

package pprint

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. pprint
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Chunker [T] extends AnyRef

    There are a few main classes involved here:

    There are a few main classes involved here:

    - PPrint: an all-encompassing typeclass that contains all you need to pretty-print a value T => Iter[String]

    - PPrinter: a typeclass that takes a configuration object and pretty-prints a value (T, Config) => Iter[String]

    - Config: controls various metadata about the pprint, e.g. how wide to go before we start wrapping, or what colors to use

    - Chunker: (T, Config) => Iter[ Iter[String] ]. Implements the very common comma-separated-values pattern, where each sub-iter is one of the comma separated blocks, but it's up to the caller to decide what to do with them

  2. case class Colors (literalColor: Attrs, prefixColor: Attrs) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class Config (width: Int = Config.defaultMaxWidth, height: Int = Config.defaultLines, depth: Int = 0, indent: Int = Config.defaultIndent, colors: Colors = pprint.Colors.BlackWhite, renames: Map[String, String] = Config.defaultRenames) extends GenConfig[Config] with Product with Serializable

    Configuration options to control how prettyprinting occurs, passed recursively into each prettyprinting callsite.

    Configuration options to control how prettyprinting occurs, passed recursively into each prettyprinting callsite.


    Controls how far to the right a line will go before it tries to wrap


    Controls how many lines can be printed at once. Will print all lines if set to 0


    How much the current item being printed should be indented


    A map used to rename things to more common names, e.g. renamig WrappedArray to Array or getting rid of TupleN *

  4. trait GenConfig [T <: GenConfig[T]] extends AnyRef

    Helpers to help inject behavior into the generated code without having any circular dependencies

  5. trait GenUtils extends AnyRef

    Helpers to help inject behavior into the generated code without having any circular dependencies

  6. trait LowPriPPrinter extends AnyRef
  7. trait PPrint [A] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass necessary to prettyprint something.

    A typeclass necessary to prettyprint something. Separate from PPrinter in order to make contravariant implicit resolution behave right.

  8. trait PPrinter [-A] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass you define to prettyprint values of type A

  9. trait PPrinterGen extends GenUtils
  10. trait TPrint [T] extends AnyRef

    Summoning an implicit TPrint[T] provides a pretty-printed string representation of the type T, much better than is provided by the default Type#toString.

    Summoning an implicit TPrint[T] provides a pretty-printed string representation of the type T, much better than is provided by the default Type#toString. In particular

    - More forms are properly supported and printed - Prefixed Types are printed un-qualified, according to what's currently in scope

  11. case class TPrintColors (typeColor: Attrs) extends Product with Serializable
  12. trait TPrintGen [Type[_], Cfg] extends AnyRef
  13. trait TPrintLowPri extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def log[T](value: Text[T], tag: String = "", verbose: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config = Config.Colors.PPrintConfig, path: Name, line: Line): Unit

    Pretty-prints something to the console for you to look at, with a bunch of additional metadata (function-name, line-num, optional tag, etc.) to make debugging easier

  2. def log2[T](value: Text[T], tag: String = "", verbose: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config = Config.Colors.PPrintConfig, path: Enclosing, line: Line): Unit

    More verbose version of log

  3. def pprintln[T](t: T, width: Integer = null, height: Integer = null, indent: Integer = null, colors: Colors = null)(implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config = Config.Defaults.PPrintConfig): Unit

    Pretty-prints something to the console for you to look at.

  4. def pprintln[T](implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config): (T) ⇒ Unit
  5. def stringify[T](t: T, width: Integer = null, height: Integer = null, indent: Integer = null, colors: Colors = null)(implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config = Config.Defaults.PPrintConfig): String

    Pretty stringify

  6. def stringify[T](implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config): (T) ⇒ String
  7. def tokenize[T](t: T, width: Integer = null, height: Integer = null, indent: Integer = null, colors: Colors = null)(implicit arg0: PPrint[T], cfg: Config = Config.Defaults.PPrintConfig): Iterator[String]

    Prettyprint a strongly-typed value, falling back to toString if you don't know what to do with it.

    Prettyprint a strongly-typed value, falling back to toString if you don't know what to do with it. Generally used for human-facing output

  8. def tprint[T](implicit arg0: TPrint[T], config: TPrintColors): String
  9. object Chunker extends PPrinterGen
  10. object Colors extends Serializable
  11. object Config extends Serializable
  12. object Internals
  13. object PPrint extends LowPriPPrint
  14. object PPrinter extends LowPriPPrinter
  15. object TPrint extends TPrintGen[TPrint, TPrintColors] with TPrintLowPri
  16. object TPrintColors extends Serializable
  17. object TPrintLowPri

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
