

package requests

Linear Supertypes
BaseSession, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. requests
  2. BaseSession
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseSession extends AnyRef
  2. trait Compress extends AnyRef

    Mechanisms for compressing the upload stream; supports Gzip and Deflate by default

  3. class InvalidCertException extends Exception
  4. case class MultiItem(name: String, data: SizedBlob, filename: String = null) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class MultiPart(items: MultiItem*) extends MultipartFormRequestBlob with Product with Serializable
  6. case class Request(url: String, auth: RequestAuth = null, params: Iterable[(String, String)] = Nil, headers: Iterable[(String, String)] = Nil, readTimeout: Int = 0, connectTimeout: Int = 0, proxy: (String, Int) = null, cookies: Map[String, HttpCookie] = Map(), cookieValues: Map[String, String] = Map(), maxRedirects: Int = 5, verifySslCerts: Boolean = true, autoDecompress: Boolean = true, compress: Compress = Compress.None, keepAlive: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    The equivalent of configuring a Requester.apply or Requester.stream call, but without invoking it.

    The equivalent of configuring a Requester.apply or Requester.stream call, but without invoking it. Useful if you want to further customize it and make the call later via the overloads of apply/stream that take a Request.

  7. trait RequestAuth extends AnyRef

    Different ways you can authorize a HTTP request; by default, HTTP Basic auth and Proxy auth are supported

  8. trait RequestBlob extends AnyRef

    Represents the different things you can upload in the body of a HTTP request.

    Represents the different things you can upload in the body of a HTTP request. By default allows form-encoded key-value pairs, arrays of bytes, strings, files, and inputstreams. These types can be passed directly to the data parameter of Requester.apply and will be wrapped automatically by the implicit constructors.

  9. case class Requester(verb: String, sess: BaseSession) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class Response(url: String, statusCode: Int, statusMessage: String, headers: Map[String, Seq[String]], data: ResponseBlob, history: Option[Response]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a HTTP response

    Represents a HTTP response


    the URL that the original request was made to


    the status code of the response


    the status message of the response


    the raw headers the server sent back with the response


    the response body; may contain HTML, JSON, or binary or textual data


    the response of any redirects that were performed before arriving at the current response

  11. class ResponseBlob extends AnyRef

    Wraps the array of bytes returned in the body of a HTTP response

  12. case class Session(headers: Map[String, String] = BaseSession.defaultHeaders, cookieValues: Map[String, String] = Map(), cookies: Map[String, HttpCookie] = ..., auth: RequestAuth = RequestAuth.Empty, proxy: (String, Int) = null, persistCookies: Boolean = true, maxRedirects: Int = 5, readTimeout: Int = 10 * 1000, connectTimeout: Int = 10 * 1000, verifySslCerts: Boolean = true, autoDecompress: Boolean = true, compress: Compress = Compress.None) extends BaseSession with Product with Serializable

    A long-lived session; this can be used to automatically persist cookies from one request to the next, or to set default configuration that will be shared between requests.

    A long-lived session; this can be used to automatically persist cookies from one request to the next, or to set default configuration that will be shared between requests. These configuration flags can all be over-ridden by the parameters on Requester.apply or Requester.stream


    Custom headers to use, in addition to the defaults


    Custom cookies to send up with this request


    HTTP authentication you want to use with this request; defaults to none


    Host and port of a proxy you want to use


    How many redirects to automatically resolve; defaults to 5. You can also set it to 0 to prevent Requests from resolving redirects for you


    How long to wait for data to be read before timing out


    How long to wait for a connection before timing out


    Set this to false to ignore problems with SSL certificates

  13. case class StreamHeaders(url: String, statusCode: Int, statusMessage: String, headers: Map[String, Seq[String]], history: Option[Response]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. class TimeoutException extends Exception
  15. class UnknownHostException extends Exception

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def auth: RequestAuth
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def autoDecompress: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def compress: Compress
    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def connectTimeout: Int
    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def cookies: Map[String, HttpCookie]
    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def headers: Map[String, String]
    Definition Classes
  7. abstract def maxRedirects: Int
    Definition Classes
  8. abstract def persistCookies: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  9. abstract def proxy: (String, Int)
    Definition Classes
  10. abstract def readTimeout: Int
    Definition Classes
  11. abstract def verifySslCerts: Boolean
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. lazy val delete: Requester
    Definition Classes
  2. lazy val get: Requester
    Definition Classes
  3. lazy val head: Requester
    Definition Classes
  4. lazy val options: Requester
    Definition Classes
  5. lazy val patch: Requester
    Definition Classes
  6. lazy val post: Requester
    Definition Classes
  7. lazy val put: Requester
    Definition Classes
  8. object BaseSession
  9. object Compress
  10. object RequestAuth
  11. object RequestBlob
  12. object Requester extends Serializable
  13. object Util

Inherited from BaseSession

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
