
Type members


abstract class CascadingStyleSheet(implicit sourceName: FullName) extends StyleSheet with StyleSheetTags

A StyleSheet which lets you define cascading tag/class selectors. Separate from StyleSheet because you almost never need these things, so it's good to make it explicit when you do to prevent accidental cascading.

A StyleSheet which lets you define cascading tag/class selectors. Separate from StyleSheet because you almost never need these things, so it's good to make it explicit when you do to prevent accidental cascading.

case class Cls(name: String, pseudoSelectors: Seq[String], args: Seq[StyleSheetFrag])

A rendered class; both the class name (used when injected into Scalatags fragments) and the structure (used when injected into further class definitions)

A rendered class; both the class name (used when injected into Scalatags fragments) and the structure (used when injected into further class definitions)

trait PseudoSelectors[T]

Provides all the CSS pseudo-selectors as strongly-typed properties when mixed in. The only requirement is that you define extend to tell it what each of these properties returns

Provides all the CSS pseudo-selectors as strongly-typed properties when mixed in. The only requirement is that you define extend to tell it what each of these properties returns

class Selector(val built: Seq[String]) extends PseudoSelectors[Selector]

Lets you chain pseudo-selectors e.g. hover.visited and have it properly translate into :hover:visited when rendered.

Lets you chain pseudo-selectors e.g. hover.visited and have it properly translate into :hover:visited when rendered.

object Selector
class SourceClasses[T](val value: T => Seq[Cls])
abstract class StyleSheet(implicit sourceName: FullName)

Inherit from me to define a stylesheet which you can use to define styles which get serialized to a String. Does not allow the use of cascading tag/class selectors; use CascadingStyleSheet for that.

Inherit from me to define a stylesheet which you can use to define styles which get serialized to a String. Does not allow the use of cascading tag/class selectors; use CascadingStyleSheet for that.

Something which can be used as part of a StyleSheet

Something which can be used as part of a StyleSheet


Provides a strongly-typed list of all the HTML tags that can be used as Selectors.

Provides a strongly-typed list of all the HTML tags that can be used as Selectors.

case class StyleTree(selectors: Seq[String], styles: SortedMap[String, String], children: Seq[StyleTree])

A structure representing a set of CSS rules which has not been rendered into a Cls.

A structure representing a set of CSS rules which has not been rendered into a Cls.

e.g. a StyleTree that looks like

.cls1 .cls2 :hover :hover cls2

Flattens out via stringify into CSS rules like

.cls1 .cls2:hover .cls1:hover .cls2

object StyleTree