
object TestRunner

Created by lihaoyi on 12/9/17.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def collectQueryTerminals(test: Tree[String], query: Seq[Tree[Int]], revIntPath: List[Int], revStringPath: List[String]): HTree[String, (List[String], List[Int])]

Recurses into the test tree using a pre-resolveQueryIndicesed query tree, going straight to the terminal nodes of the query tree before handing over to collectTestNodes to collect all the tests within those nodes.

Recurses into the test tree using a pre-resolveQueryIndicesed query tree, going straight to the terminal nodes of the query tree before handing over to collectTestNodes to collect all the tests within those nodes.


def collectTestNodes(test: Tree[String], revIntPath: List[Int], revStringPath: List[String]): HTree[String, (List[String], List[Int])]

Pick up all terminal nodes within the given test tree, so they can be executed and their results recorded.

Pick up all terminal nodes within the given test tree, so they can be executed and their results recorded.


def evaluateFutureTree[N, L](t: HTree[N, () => Future[L]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HTree[N, L]]
def renderResults(results: Seq[(String, HTree[String, Result])], formatter: Formatter, showSummaryThreshold: Int, resultsHeader: String, failureHeader: String): (Str, Int, Int)
def resolveQueryIndices(test: Tree[String], query: Seq[Tree[String]], revStringPath: List[String]): Either[Seq[Seq[String]], Seq[Tree[Int]]]

Takes a query tree and resolves the strings against the test tree of a test suite, either returning the query trees strings converted into integer indices into the test tree, or the list of paths which the query tree tried to access but did not exist.

Takes a query tree and resolves the strings against the test tree of a test suite, either returning the query trees strings converted into integer indices into the test tree, or the list of paths which the query tree tried to access but did not exist.


def run(tests: Tests, onComplete: (Seq[String], Result) => Unit, query: Seq[Tree[String]], executor: Executor, ec: ExecutionContext): HTree[String, Result]
def runAndPrint(tests: Tests, label: String, query: Seq[Tree[String]], printStream: PrintStream, executor: Executor, formatter: Formatter, ec: ExecutionContext): HTree[String, Result]
def runAndPrintAsync(tests: Tests, label: String, query: Seq[Tree[String]], printStream: PrintStream, executor: Executor, formatter: Formatter, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HTree[String, Result]]
def runAsync(tests: Tests, onComplete: (Seq[String], Result) => Unit, query: Trees, executor: Executor, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HTree[String, Result]]

Runs this Tree[Test] asynchronously and returns a Future containing the tree of the results.

Runs this Tree[Test] asynchronously and returns a Future containing the tree of the results.

Value parameters


Used to


Called each time a single Test finishes


def unbox(res: Throwable): Throwable

For some reason Scala futures boxes Errors into ExecutionExceptions, so un-box them to show the user since he probably doesn't care about this boxing

For some reason Scala futures boxes Errors into ExecutionExceptions, so un-box them to show the user since he probably doesn't care about this boxing
