
trait Burry[O]

Helper for various sprout constructors, because going from your new type to your old type is always the same.

Helper for various sprout constructors, because going from your new type to your old type is always the same.

This is extremely handy when defining various contravariant functor typeclasses, e.g. various encoders, ordering, etc.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Sprout[O]
trait SproutSub[O]
trait SproutRefined[O, E]
trait SproutRefinedSub[O, E]

Type members


type Original = O
opaque type Type

Value members

Concrete methods

final def oldType(n: Type): O
def symbolicName: String

Used for better error messages, and certain integrations.

Used for better error messages, and certain integrations.