
trait Sprout[O] extends Burry[O]

Intended to be mixed into an object, or in certain cases a class, for them to act as the containers and constructors for your new type.

Intended to be mixed into an object, or in certain cases a class, for them to act as the containers and constructors for your new type.


 object FirstName extends Sprout[String]
 type FirstName = FirstName.Type
trait Burry[O]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait SproutSub[O]

Type members


override opaque type Type

Inherited types

type Original = O
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(o: O): Type
final def newType(o: O): Type

Inherited methods

final def oldType(n: Type): O
Inherited from
def symbolicName: String

Used for better error messages, and certain integrations.

Used for better error messages, and certain integrations.

Inherited from

Concrete fields

final lazy val newTypeInstance: NewType[O, Type]