
@deprecated("Use APNSHttpClient instead", "1.15.0")
class APNSClient(keyStore: KeyStore, keyStorePass: String, isSandbox: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends PushClient[APNSToken, APNSMessage, ApnsNotification] with AutoCloseable
trait AutoCloseable
trait PushClient[APNSToken, APNSMessage, ApnsNotification]
trait PushClientF[APNSToken, APNSMessage, ApnsNotification, Future]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def close(): Unit
Definition Classes

"When a remote notification cannot be delivered because the intended app does not exist on the device, the feedback service adds that device’s token to its list."

"When a remote notification cannot be delivered because the intended app does not exist on the device, the feedback service adds that device’s token to its list."

"Query the feedback service daily to get the list of device tokens. Use the timestamp to verify that the device tokens haven’t been reregistered since the feedback entry was generated. For each device that has not been reregistered, stop sending notifications."

"The feedback service’s list is cleared after you read it. Each time you connect to the feedback service, the information it returns lists only the failures that have happened since you last connected."

See also:
override def push(id: APNSToken, message: APNSMessage): Future[ApnsNotification]
Definition Classes
override def pushAll(ids: Seq[APNSToken], message: APNSMessage): Future[Seq[ApnsNotification]]
Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val service: ApnsService