Class JsonEngine

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonEngine

        public JsonEngine()
    • Method Detail

      • getJsonProvider

        public abstract com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider getJsonProvider()
      • getDefault

        public static JsonEngine getDefault()
      • asPrimitiveValue

        protected static Object asPrimitiveValue​(String string)
      • toJsonString

        public String toJsonString​(Object object)
      • isJsonPrimitive

        protected boolean isJsonPrimitive​(Object jsonElement)
      • isJsonObject

        public boolean isJsonObject​(Object jsonElement)
      • isNullOrEmptyJson

        public boolean isNullOrEmptyJson​(Object jsonElement)
      • getParentJsonPath

        public static String getParentJsonPath​(String jsonPathString)
        Get JSON path to the parent of the object at the given JSON path.
      • getJsonElementKey

        public static String getJsonElementKey​(String jsonPathString)
        Get object key at the given JSON path.