Class OutputFile

  • public class OutputFile
    extends Object
    A specification for uploading files from an Azure Batch Compute Node to another location after the Batch service has finished executing the Task process. On every file uploads, Batch service writes two log files to the compute node, 'fileuploadout.txt' and 'fileuploaderr.txt'. These log files are used to learn more about a specific failure.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutputFile

        public OutputFile()
    • Method Detail

      • filePattern

        public String filePattern()
        Get both relative and absolute paths are supported. Relative paths are relative to the Task working directory. The following wildcards are supported: * matches 0 or more characters (for example pattern abc* would match abc or abcdef), ** matches any directory, ? matches any single character, [abc] matches one character in the brackets, and [a-c] matches one character in the range. Brackets can include a negation to match any character not specified (for example [!abc] matches any character but a, b, or c). If a file name starts with "." it is ignored by default but may be matched by specifying it explicitly (for example *.gif will not match .a.gif, but .*.gif will). A simple example: **\*.txt matches any file that does not start in '.' and ends with .txt in the Task working directory or any subdirectory. If the filename contains a wildcard character it can be escaped using brackets (for example abc[*] would match a file named abc*). Note that both \ and / are treated as directory separators on Windows, but only / is on Linux. Environment variables (%var% on Windows or $var on Linux) are expanded prior to the pattern being applied.
        the filePattern value
      • withFilePattern

        public OutputFile withFilePattern​(String filePattern)
        Set both relative and absolute paths are supported. Relative paths are relative to the Task working directory. The following wildcards are supported: * matches 0 or more characters (for example pattern abc* would match abc or abcdef), ** matches any directory, ? matches any single character, [abc] matches one character in the brackets, and [a-c] matches one character in the range. Brackets can include a negation to match any character not specified (for example [!abc] matches any character but a, b, or c). If a file name starts with "." it is ignored by default but may be matched by specifying it explicitly (for example *.gif will not match .a.gif, but .*.gif will). A simple example: **\*.txt matches any file that does not start in '.' and ends with .txt in the Task working directory or any subdirectory. If the filename contains a wildcard character it can be escaped using brackets (for example abc[*] would match a file named abc*). Note that both \ and / are treated as directory separators on Windows, but only / is on Linux. Environment variables (%var% on Windows or $var on Linux) are expanded prior to the pattern being applied.
        filePattern - the filePattern value to set
        the OutputFile object itself.
      • destination

        public OutputFileDestination destination()
        Get the destination value.
        the destination value
      • withDestination

        public OutputFile withDestination​(OutputFileDestination destination)
        Set the destination value.
        destination - the destination value to set
        the OutputFile object itself.
      • uploadOptions

        public OutputFileUploadOptions uploadOptions()
        Get the uploadOptions value.
        the uploadOptions value
      • withUploadOptions

        public OutputFile withUploadOptions​(OutputFileUploadOptions uploadOptions)
        Set the uploadOptions value.
        uploadOptions - the uploadOptions value to set
        the OutputFile object itself.