Interface LoadBalancingRule.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualMachine<ReturnT>

    • Method Detail

      • toExistingVirtualMachines

        LoadBalancingRule.DefinitionStages.WithBackendPort<ReturnT> toExistingVirtualMachines​(HasNetworkInterfaces... vms)
        Adds the specified set of virtual machines, assuming they are from the same availability set, to a new back end address pool to be associated with this load balancing rule.

        This will add references to the primary IP configurations of the primary network interfaces of the provided set of virtual machines.

        If the virtual machines are not in the same availability set, they will not be associated with the backend.

        Only those virtual machines will be associated with the load balancer that already have an existing network interface. Virtual machines without a network interface will be skipped.

        vms - existing virtual machines
        the next stage of the definition
      • toExistingVirtualMachines

        LoadBalancingRule.DefinitionStages.WithBackendPort<ReturnT> toExistingVirtualMachines​(Collection<HasNetworkInterfaces> vms)
        Adds the specified set of virtual machines, assuming they are from the same availability set, to a new back end address pool to be associated with this load balancing rule.

        This will add references to the primary IP configurations of the primary network interfaces of the provided set of virtual machines.

        If the virtual machines are not in the same availability set, they will not be associated with the backend.

        Only those virtual machines will be associated with the load balancer that already have an existing network interface. Virtual machines without a network interface will be skipped.

        vms - existing virtual machines
        the next stage of the definition