Interface HasSslCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithSslCertificate<ReturnT>

    • Method Detail

      • withSslCertificate

        ReturnT withSslCertificate​(String name)
        Specifies an SSL certificate to associate with this resource.

        If the certificate does not exist yet, it must be defined in the optional part of the parent resource definition.

        name - the name of an existing SSL certificate.
        the next stage of the definition
      • withSslCertificateFromPfxFile

        HasSslCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithSslPassword<ReturnT> withSslCertificateFromPfxFile​(File pfxFile)
                                                                                           throws IOException
        Specifies the PFX file to import the SSL certificate from to associated with this resource.

        The certificate will be named using an auto-generated name.

        pfxFile - an existing PFX file
        the next stage of the definition
        IOException - when there are issues with the provided file