Class SQLServerMetaData


public class SQLServerMetaData
extends java.lang.Object
Represents metadata for a column. It is used in the ISQLServerDataRecord interface to pass column metadata to the table-valued parameter.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    SQLServerMetaData​(SQLServerMetaData sqlServerMetaData)
    Constructs a SQLServerMetaData from another SQLServerMetaData object.
    SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType)
    Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name and SQL type.
    SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int length)
    Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, and length (for String data).
    SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int precision, int scale)
    Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, precision, and scale.
    SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int precision, int scale, boolean useServerDefault, boolean isUniqueKey, SQLServerSortOrder sortOrder, int sortOrdinal)
    Constructs a SQLServerMetaData.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getColumName()
    Returns the column name.
    int getPrecision()
    Returns the precision of the type passed to the column.
    int getScale()
    Returns the scale of the type passed to the column.
    SQLServerSortOrder getSortOrder()
    Returns the sort order.
    int getSortOrdinal()
    Returns the sort ordinal.
    int getSqlType()
    Returns the java sql type.
    boolean isUniqueKey()
    Returns whether the column is unique.
    boolean useServerDefault()
    Returns whether the column uses the default server value.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SQLServerMetaData

      public SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType)
      Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name and SQL type.
      columnName - the name of the column
      sqlType - the SQL type of the column
    • SQLServerMetaData

      public SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int precision, int scale)
      Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, precision, and scale.
      columnName - the name of the column
      sqlType - the SQL type of the column
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
    • SQLServerMetaData

      public SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int length)
      Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, and length (for String data). The length is used to differentiate large strings from strings with length less than 4000 characters.
      columnName - the name of the column
      sqlType - the SQL type of the column
      length - the length of the string type
    • SQLServerMetaData

      public SQLServerMetaData​(java.lang.String columnName, int sqlType, int precision, int scale, boolean useServerDefault, boolean isUniqueKey, SQLServerSortOrder sortOrder, int sortOrdinal) throws SQLServerException
      Constructs a SQLServerMetaData.
      columnName - the name of the column
      sqlType - the sql type of the column
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
      useServerDefault - specifies if this column should use the default server value; Default value is false.
      isUniqueKey - indicates if the column in the table-valued parameter is unique; Default value is false.
      sortOrder - indicates the sort order for a column; Default value is SQLServerSortOrder.Unspecified.
      sortOrdinal - specifies ordinal of the sort column; sortOrdinal starts from 0; Default value is -1.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • SQLServerMetaData

      public SQLServerMetaData​(SQLServerMetaData sqlServerMetaData)
      Constructs a SQLServerMetaData from another SQLServerMetaData object.
      sqlServerMetaData - the object passed to initialize a new instance of SQLServerMetaData
  • Method Details

    • getColumName

      public java.lang.String getColumName()
      Returns the column name.
      column name
    • getSqlType

      public int getSqlType()
      Returns the java sql type.
      java sql type
    • getPrecision

      public int getPrecision()
      Returns the precision of the type passed to the column.
    • getScale

      public int getScale()
      Returns the scale of the type passed to the column.
    • useServerDefault

      public boolean useServerDefault()
      Returns whether the column uses the default server value.
      whether the column uses the default server value.
    • isUniqueKey

      public boolean isUniqueKey()
      Returns whether the column is unique.
      whether the column is unique.
    • getSortOrder

      public SQLServerSortOrder getSortOrder()
      Returns the sort order.
      sort order
    • getSortOrdinal

      public int getSortOrdinal()
      Returns the sort ordinal.
      sort ordinal