A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z 


abbreviate(Token) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.TokenAbbreviator
Returns the first nine characters of the specified token.
AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator<T> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Abstract generator of secure random identifiers with SHA-256 based Message Authentication Code (MAC) protection.
AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator(SecretKey) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Creates a new generator of secure random identifiers with SHA-256 based Message Authentication Code (MAC) protection.
accept(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
accept(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONObjectWriter
accept(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONArrayWriter
accept(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONObjectWriter
accessIsDisabled() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
accessIsDisabled() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Returns true if access is disabled (no access token configured).
ANONYMOUS - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Anonymous user identity.
API_TOKEN_SHA256_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet.Configuration
The property name for the SHA-256 hash of the API access token.
apiAccessTokenSHA256 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet.Configuration
The SHA-256 hash (in hexadecimal format) of the monitor API access token, if null the API is disabled.
apiKey - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Optional API key to include with requests to the web service, null if none.
append(T) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.appendable.Appendable
Appends the specified element.
append(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
append(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONObjectWriter
Appendable<T> - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.appendable
apply(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Applies the specified parameter to this filter template and returns the resulting LDAP filter string.
apply(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Applies this banner to the specified HTTP servlet response.
apply(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator.ErrorResponse
Applies this error response to the specified HTTP servlet response.
applyHMAC(Base64URL) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Applies HMAC protection to the specified identifier value.
AttributeMapper - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP attribute mapper.
AttributeMapper(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Creates a new LDAP attribute mapper.
AttributesForRetrieval - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Specifies a set of directory attributes for retrieval.
AttributesForRetrieval() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributesForRetrieval
Creates a default specification of attributes for retrieval which is retrieve all user attributes as UTF-8 text.
AuthzId - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a SASL authorisation identity, as specified in RFC 4513, section
AuthzId(Username) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Creates a new authorisation identity from the specified username.
AuthzId(DN) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Creates a new authorisation identity from the specified DN.
AuthzId.IdentityType - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.id
The identity data types.
AuthzIdResolver - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Resolves the authorisation identity (authzId) associated with a bind (auth) request.


BAD_CERT - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
Bad server X.509 certificate.
banner - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
The Connect2id service banner, printed at the HTTP GET endpoint.
Banner - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Welcome banner for Connect2id JSON-RPC 2.0 services.
Banner(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Creates a new welcome banner for a Connect2id JSON-RPC 2.0 service.
baseDN - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The base distinguished name (DN) of the directory information tree.
BaseIdentifier - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
The base class for identifiers (IDs) used in Connect2id software.
BaseIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Creates a new unique identifier (ID) based on a secure randomly generated 256-bit number, Base64URL-encoded.
BaseIdentifier(int) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Creates a new unique identifier (ID) based on a secure randomly generated number with the specified byte length, Base64URL-encoded.
BaseIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Creates a new identifier (ID) from the specified string.
BasicAccessTokenValidator - Class in com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
Basic access token validator.
BasicAccessTokenValidator(BearerAccessToken) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
Creates a new basic access token validator.
BasicAccessTokenValidator(BearerAccessToken...) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
Creates a new basic access token validator.
batchSize - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
Controls batching (pickling) of metrics to the Carbon server, zero if disabled.


CacheWorkArounds<K,V> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
Infinispan cache work arounds.
CacheWorkArounds(Cache<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Creates a new cache work arounds instance.
CacheWorkArounds(Cache<K, V>, Logger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Creates a new cache work arounds instance.
CacheWorkArounds.Mode - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
The handled special modes.
CHARSET - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.util.URLUtility
The default character set.
check() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPHealthCheck
check(EmbeddedCacheManager) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.RedisCacheStoreChecks
Checks the configured Redis cache stores to ensure each uses its own database number and that number is non-zero.
CID - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a secure immutable connection identifier (CID).
CID() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.CID
Creates a new unique connection identifier (CID) based on a secure randomly generated 256-bit number, Base64URL-encoded.
CID(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.CID
Creates a new connection identifier (CID) from the specified string.
clearCacheIfStateless() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
If the cache is in the special "stateless mode" causes the underlying data container (in memory) to be cleared.
com.nimbusds.common.appendable - package com.nimbusds.common.appendable
Appendable pattern classes.
com.nimbusds.common.config - package com.nimbusds.common.config
Configuration classes.
com.nimbusds.common.http - package com.nimbusds.common.http
HTTP utilities.
com.nimbusds.common.id - package com.nimbusds.common.id
Identifier and identity classes.
com.nimbusds.common.infinispan - package com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
Infinispan utilities.
com.nimbusds.common.json - package com.nimbusds.common.json
JSON utilities.
com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2 - package com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
JSON-RPC 2.0 related classes.
com.nimbusds.common.ldap - package com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP directory related classes.
com.nimbusds.common.monitor - package com.nimbusds.common.monitor
Common monitor classes for Dropwizard metrics and health checks.
com.nimbusds.common.oauth2 - package com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
OAuth 2.0 utility classes.
com.nimbusds.common.servlet - package com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Shared servlet classes and utilities.
com.nimbusds.common.spi - package com.nimbusds.common.spi
Service Provider Interface (SPI) utilities.
com.nimbusds.common.store - package com.nimbusds.common.store
Common store interfaces and classes.
com.nimbusds.common.util - package com.nimbusds.common.util
Generic utilities.
compareTo(Identifier) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
composeLogMessage(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ServletLogUtility
Composes a log message with the method, the client IP address, CORS origin (if any and a CORS Filter is configured) and the security client certificate principal (if any) of an HTTP request.
composeMessage(String, String, String[]) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Composes a banner message.
computeSHA256(BearerAccessToken, byte[]) - Static method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Computes the SHA-256 hash of the specified Bearer access token.
CONFIG_CTX_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
The name of the servlet context parameter that specifies the configuration file location.
Configuration(Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
Creates a new sample directory server configuration from the specified properties.
Configuration(Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet.Configuration
Creates a new monitor servlet access token configuration.
ConfigurationException - Exception in com.nimbusds.common.config
Thrown to indicate a configuration exception.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new configuration exception with the specified message.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.config.ConfigurationException
Creates a new configuration exception with the specified message and cause.
CONNECT_TIMEOUT - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
LDAP connect timeout.
connectionMaxAge - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The maximum time in milliseconds that a connection in this pool may be established before it should be closed and replaced with another connection.
connectionPoolInitialSize - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The initial connection pool size.
connectionPoolMaxWaitTime - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The maximum length of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to become available when trying to obtain a connection from the pool.
connectionPoolSize - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The target connection pool size.
connectTimeout - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The timeout in milliseconds for LDAP connect requests.
connectTimeout - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Specifies an HTTP connect timeout for web service requests, in milliseconds.
content - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The initial directory information tree, supplied in a single LDIF file.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory
Handler for servlet context shutdown events.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher
Handler for servlet context shutdown events.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory
Handler for servlet context startup events.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher
Handler for servlet context startup events; configures and launches an Infinispan cache manager using the configuration file specified in the servlet context parameter infinispan.configurationFile.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
convertMapKeysToLowerCase(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.util.MapUtility
Returns a copy of the specified map with all string keys converted to lower case.
create(LDAPURL[], ServerSelectionAlgorithm, SocketFactory, LDAPConnectionOptions) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPServerSetFactory
Creates an LDAP server set from the specified configuration parameters.
createLDAPConnection() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.PresetLDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new LDAP connection to the preset directory server.
createLDAPConnection(ServerSet, LDAPConnectionSecurity, boolean) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new LDAP connection to the specified directory server set.
createLDAPConnection(String, int, LDAPConnectionSecurity, int, boolean) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new LDAP connection to the specified directory server.
createLDAPConnectionPool() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionPoolFactory
Creates a new LDAP connection pool.
CustomKeyStoreConfiguration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Details of a custom key store for client X.509 certificates to be presented to a remote server.
CustomKeyStoreConfiguration(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
Creates a new custom key store configuration from the specified properties.
CustomTrustStoreConfiguration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Details of a custom trust store for remote server X.509 certificates.
CustomTrustStoreConfiguration(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
Creates a new custom trust store configuration from the specified properties.


DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
The default byte length of generated identifiers.
DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMAC
The default byte length of generated identifiers.
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The default timeout in milliseconds for LDAP connect requests.
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
The default HTTP connect timeout for web service requests (disabled).
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The default maximum connection time.
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The default initial connection pool size (zero connections).
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The default connection pool maximum wait time, in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
The default target connection pool size (5 connections).
DEFAULT_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The default enable policy.
DEFAULT_EXPOSE_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
The default expose exceptions policy.
DEFAULT_LDAP_SERVER - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.Json2LdapDetails
The default LDAP server use.
DEFAULT_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The default permitted LDAP operations.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The default port number.
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
The default HTTP read timeout for web service requests (disabled).
DEFAULT_REPORT_REQUEST_PROC_TIME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
The default request processing time reporting.
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
The default response content type.
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The default timeout in milliseconds for LDAP server responses.
DEFAULT_SECURITY - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The default LDAP connection security.
DEFAULT_SELECTION_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The default server selection algorithm.
DEFAULT_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_TRUST - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
The default self-signed certificate policy.
DEFAULT_SELF_SIGNED_CERTS_TRUST - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The default trust for self-signed certificates.
destroy() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
Called at servlet shutdown.
detect() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsDetector
Detects the JSON-RPC 2.0 web service name and version.
detect(Cache...) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.InvalidationCacheModeDetector
Checks if the specified caches are configured in invalidation mode.
detect(Cache...) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.ZeroCacheModeDetector
Checks if the specified caches are configured in "zero mode".
detectInvalidationMode(Cache) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Checks if the specified cache is configured in invalidation mode.
detectStatelessMode(Cache) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Checks if the specified cache is configured in "stateless mode".
DirectoryProtocol - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Enumeration of the protocols for directory access.
DirectoryUser - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Directory user, with DN and password.
DirectoryUser(DN, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.DirectoryUser
Creates a new directory user.
DirectoryUser(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.DirectoryUser
Creates a new directory user from the specified properties.
dn - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.DirectoryUser
The distinguished name (DN) of the directory user DN.
DN - com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId.IdentityType
Distinguished name (DN).
DNIdentity - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a distinguished name (DN) identity.
DNIdentity(DN) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.DNIdentity
Creates a new distinguished name (DN) identity.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
Outputs a simple text/plain banner message that identifies the Connect2id web service name/version and lists the supported JSON-RPC 2.0 requests.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.PrometheusMonitorServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
Receives JSON-RPC 2.0 requests for the Connect2id service by means of HTTP POST.
dumpObjectClassDefinition(LDAPConnection, String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SchemaUtils
Returns the schema definition for the specified object class, in the format described in RFC 4512 section 4.1.1.
durationsTimeUnit - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The durations time unit.


enable - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
If true a custom key store file must be used for the client X.509 certificates to be presented to the remote server (if such authentication is required).
enable - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
If true a custom trust store file must be used to determine the acceptable security certificates presented by the remote server.
enable - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
Enables / disables reporting.
enable - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
If true the sample directory server must be enabled.
enableJMX - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration
Enables / disables JMX reporting.
ensureSuccess(LDAPResult) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPExceptionUtils
Throws a JSON-RPC 2.0 error with corresponding code and message if the specified LDAP result indicates failure.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Overrides Object.equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.CID
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.DNIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMAC
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.SID
Overrides Object.equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.UID
equals(Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.Username
ErrorResponse(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator.ErrorResponse
Creates a new bearer token error response.
exposeExceptions - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
If true the web service will expose exception details to clients in the JSON-RPC 2.0 error "data" field.
extractKey(T) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.appendable.KeyExtractor
Extracts or determines a JSON object key from the specified object.
extractKey(T) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.json.KeyExtractor
Extracts or determines a JSON object key from the specified object.
extractValue(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator
extractValue(T) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Extracts the raw value from the specified HMAC protected identifier (to be used as a key in database queries, etc).


FAILOVER - com.nimbusds.common.config.ServerSelectionAlgorithm
Fail-over selection algorithm.
file - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
The file system location of the custom key store file.
file - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
The file system location of the custom trust store file.
filter - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The metrics filter (white list with wild card support).
FilterTemplate - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP filter template.
FilterTemplate(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Creates a new filter template with a "%u" placeholder.
FilterTemplate(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Creates a new filter template.
formatAttributeType(AttributeTypeDefinition) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats an attribute type defintion.
formatEntry(Entry) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDIFResultFormatter
Formats an LDAP directory entry as an LDIF string.
formatEntry(Entry, Set<String>, boolean) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats an LDAP directory entry as a JSON object.
formatEntry(Entry, Set<String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats an LDAP directory entry as a JSON object.
formatMatchingRule(MatchingRuleDefinition) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats a matching rule defintion.
formatMatchingRuleUse(MatchingRuleUseDefinition) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats a matching rule use defintion.
formatObjectClass(ObjectClassDefinition) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats an object class defintion.
formatSearchResult(SearchResult) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDIFResultFormatter
Formats an LDAP search result as a JSON object where the matches are presented as an LDIF string.
formatSearchResult(SearchResult, Set<String>, boolean) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats a LDAP search result as a JSON object containing matches and referrals.
formatSyntax(AttributeSyntaxDefinition) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.JSONResultFormatter
Formats an attribute syntax defintion.
ForwardedParser - Class in com.nimbusds.common.http
Parses reverse HTTP proxy headers to determine the client IP address.


generate() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Generates a new secure random identifier with HMAC protection.
getAPIKey() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Gets the optional API key for service access.
getBaseURL(URL) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.util.URLUtility
Gets the base part (protocol, host, port and path) of the specified URL.
getBinaryAttributes() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributesForRetrieval
Gets the names of the attributes to retrieve as binary (Base64 encoded).
getCauseType() - Method in exception com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException
Gets the cause type.
getClientIPAddressFromForwardedHeader(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.http.ForwardedParser
Returns the client IP address from a Forwarded (RFC 7239) HTTP header.
getClientIPAddressFromXForwardedForHeader(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.http.ForwardedParser
Returns the client IP address from a X-Forwarded-For style HTTP header.
getCustomKeyStoreConfiguration() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Gets the custom key store configuration.
getCustomTrustStoreConfiguration() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Gets the custom trust store configuration.
getDN() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Gets the identity DN.
getDN() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.DNIdentity
Gets the distinguished name (DN) value.
getHandledJSONRPC2Methods() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Gets the handled JSON-RPC 2.0 methods.
getHealthCheckRegistry() - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.MonitorRegistries
Returns the singleton shared registry for health check instances.
getHMACKey() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Returns the HMAC key.
getId() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierExternalizer
getIdentityType() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Gets the identity type.
getLDAPAttributeName(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Gets the name of the LDAP attribute in the transformation map that matches the specified JSON object member key.
getLDAPAttributeNames() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Gets the names of the LDAP attributes in the transformation map.
getLDAPAttributeNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Gets the names of the LDAP attributes in the transformation map that match the specified JSON object member keys.
getLDAPServerDetails() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.PresetLDAPConnectionFactory
Gets the LDAP server details.
getLogger() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
getLogger() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Gets the optional logger.
getMatches(String, String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
Simple computation of the longest common extension (LCE) of two given strings, beginning at two given indices.
getMetricRegistry() - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.MonitorRegistries
Returns the singleton shared registry for metric instances.
getMetrics() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionPoolMetrics
getMode() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Returns the special work around mode.
getName() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfo
Gets the web service name.
getNextRequestID() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Gets the next JSON-RPC 2.0 request ID from the atomic counter.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Gets the placeholder.
getProperties(ServletConfig, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ResourceRetriever
Gets the java.util.Properties in the specified servlet web.xml init parameter location.
getProperties(ServletContext, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ResourceRetriever
Gets the java.util.Properties in the specified servlet context web.xml init parameter location.
getSession() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsDetector
Gets the client session associated with this JSON-RPC 2.0 web service detected.
getSocketFactory(LDAPConnectionSecurity, CustomTrustStoreConfiguration, CustomKeyStoreConfiguration, boolean) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new socket factory according to the specified LDAP connection security settings.
getSpec() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributesForRetrieval
Retrieves the specification of the attributes (UTF-8 text and binary) for retrieval for an LDAP get entry/search request.
getStream(ServletConfig, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ResourceRetriever
Gets the resource in the specified servlet web.xml init parameter location.
getStream(ServletContext, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ResourceRetriever
Gets the resource in the specified servlet context web.xml init parameter location.
getString(ServletContext, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ResourceRetriever
Gets the resource in the specified servlet context web.xml init parameter location.
getTemplate() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Gets the template.
getTypeClasses() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierExternalizer
getUsername() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Gets the identity username.
getVersion() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfo
Gets the web service version.
getWhiteList() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
Returns the white list.
getWsInfo() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.LoggingWsDetector
Returns the detected web service name and version.
getWsName() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Gets the web service name.
getWsVersion() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.Banner
Gets the web service version and build date.
graphite - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration
The Graphite reporting configuration.
Graphite(Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
Creates a new Graphite reporting configuration.
graphiteReporter - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
The Graphite reporter.


handledRequests() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfoRequestHandler
Lists the JSON-RPC 2.0 request method names that this handler processes.
hashCode() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Overrides Object.hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.DNIdentity
Overrides Object.hashCode().
hideParameter(JSONRPC2Request, String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2LogUtility
Hides the value of the specified parameter in a JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
hidePassword(JSONRPC2Request) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2LogUtility
Hides the "password" parameter value in a JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
host - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The name / IP address of the Carbon server host.


Identifier - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.id
Marker interface for identifiers (IDs) used in Connect2id software.
IdentifierExternalizer - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Identifier externalisers, required by Infinispan marshalling.
IdentifierExternalizer() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierExternalizer
IdentifierWithHMAC - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Identifier with Hash-based (SHA-256) Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
IdentifierWithHMAC(byte[], SecretKey) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMAC
Creates a new identifier protected with a SHA-256 based HMAC.
IdentifierWithHMAC(SecretKey) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMAC
Generates a new 128-bite secure random identifier and protects it with a SHA-256 based HMAC.
IdentifierWithHMACGenerator<T> - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.id
Generator of secure random identifiers protected with a Hash-based (SHA-256) Message Authentication Code (MAC).
Identity - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.id
Marker interface for user and other identities used in Connect2id software.
INFINISPAN_CONFIG_FILE_SETTING - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher
The name of the setting for the Infinispan configuration filename.
INFINISPAN_CTX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher
The name of the servlet context attribute for the launched Infinispan cache manager.
InfinispanHealthChecks - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
Infinispan health checks.
InfinispanLauncher - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Configures and launches an Infinispan cache manager at servlet context startup.
InfinispanLauncher() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher
InfinispanLauncher.StartLogger - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Logs Infinispan status and network topology after startup.
InfinispanLauncher.StopLogger - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Logs Infinispan stop.
InfinispanMetrics - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
Infinispan cluster metrics.
init(WsInfo) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfoRequestHandler
Initialises this WS info request handler.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.PrometheusMonitorServlet
initSecureConnectionContext(CustomTrustStoreConfiguration, CustomKeyStoreConfiguration, boolean) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Initialises the context for a secure LDAP connection by creating the required TLS/SSL trust and key managers.
INVALID_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Error response: Invalid OAuth 2.0 Bearer access token.
INVALIDATION - com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds.Mode
InvalidationCacheModeDetector - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
InvalidIdentifierException - Exception in com.nimbusds.common.id
Invalid identifier exception.
isInvalidation() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Returns true if the cache is in invalidation mode.
isLegal(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.Username
Checks whether the specified username value is legal.
isLegal(String, Pattern) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.Username
Checks whether the specified username value is legal.
isLocal() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Returns true if the connector is to a local service instance.
isRemote() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Returns false if the connector is to a remote (HTTP) service instance.
isStateless() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds
Returns true if the cache is in the special "stateless mode".
isValid(BearerAccessToken) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Returns true if the specified bearer access token is valid.


jmxReporter - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
The JMX reporter.
JSON - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.ResultFormat
The result is formatted as JSON.
JSON2LDAP - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.DirectoryProtocol
Json2LdapDetails - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Json2Ldap web service connect details.
Json2LdapDetails(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.Json2LdapDetails
Creates a new Json2Ldap details instance from the specified properties.
JSONArrayWriter<T extends net.minidev.json.JSONAware> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.appendable
JSONArrayWriter<T extends net.minidev.json.JSONAware> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.json
JSON array writer for JAX-RS result streaming.
JSONArrayWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
Creates a new JSON array writer.
JSONArrayWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONArrayWriter
Creates a new JSON array writer.
JSONArrayWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
Creates a new JSON array writer.
JSONArrayWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONArrayWriter
Creates a new JSON array writer.
JSONObjectWriter<T extends net.minidev.json.JSONAware> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.appendable
JSONObjectWriter<T extends net.minidev.json.JSONAware> - Class in com.nimbusds.common.json
JSON object writer for JAX-RS result streaming.
JSONObjectWriter(Writer, KeyExtractor<T>) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONObjectWriter
Creates a new JSON object writer.
JSONObjectWriter(Writer, KeyExtractor<T>) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONObjectWriter
Creates a new JSON object writer.
JSONResultFormatter - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Static methods to format complex LDAP result structures as JSON.
JSONRPC2LogUtility - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Helper methods for Log4j message generation.
JSONRPC2ServiceConnector - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
JSON-RPC 2.0 service connector.
JSONRPC2ServiceConnector(RequestHandler, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Creates a new local JSON-RPC 2.0 service connector.
JSONRPC2ServiceConnector(URL, boolean, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Creates a new remote (HTTP) JSON-RPC 2.0 service connector.
JSONRPC2Servlet - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Base abstract JSON-RPC 2.0 request servlet for Connect2id services.
JSONRPC2Servlet() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
JSON-RPC 2.0 web API configuration.
JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
Creates a JSON-RPC 2.0 web API configuration from the specified properties.


KeyExtractor<T> - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.appendable
KeyExtractor<T> - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.json
Key extractor, intended for JSONObjectWriter use.
KEYSTORE_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
TLS/SSL store error.


LDAP - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.DirectoryProtocol
LDAP v3.
LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
General LDAP connection error.
LDAP_SERVER_DOWN - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
LDAP server down or incorrect port.
LDAPConnectionException - Exception in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP connection exception.
LDAPConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException
Creates a new LDAP connection exception, with no specific cause type.
LDAPConnectionException(String, LDAPConnectionException.CauseType) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException
Creates a new LDAP connection exception.
LDAPConnectionException(String, LDAPConnectionException.CauseType, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException
Creates a new LDAP connection exception.
LDAPConnectionException.CauseType - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Enumeration of LDAP connection exception cause types.
LDAPConnectionFactory - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Factory for establishing LDAP connections to a directory server.
LDAPConnectionFactory(CustomTrustStoreConfiguration, CustomKeyStoreConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new LDAP connection factory.
LDAPConnectionPoolFactory - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Factory for establishing LDAP connection pools to a directory server.
LDAPConnectionPoolFactory(LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails, CustomTrustStoreConfiguration, CustomKeyStoreConfiguration, DirectoryUser) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionPoolFactory
Creates a LDAP connection pool factory.
LDAPConnectionPoolMetrics - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP connection metrics.
LDAPConnectionPoolMetrics(LDAPConnectionPool, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionPoolMetrics
Creates a new LDAP connection metrics.
LDAPConnectionSecurity - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Enumeration of the transport layer security types for LDAP connections.
LDAPControlRequestParser - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP control request parser.
LDAPExceptionUtils - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP exception utilities.
LDAPHealthCheck - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Simple LDAP connection (individual or pool) health check.
LDAPHealthCheck(LDAPInterface, DN, Logger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPHealthCheck
Creates a new LDAP connection pool health check.
LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
LDAP server connection pool details.
LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
Creates a new LDAP server connection pool details instance from the specified properties.
LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails(String, Properties, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
Creates a new LDAP server connection pool details instance from the specified properties.
LDAPServerDetails - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
LDAP server connect details.
LDAPServerDetails(LDAPURL[], ServerSelectionAlgorithm, LDAPConnectionSecurity, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Creates a new LDAP server details instance.
LDAPServerDetails(LDAPURL, LDAPConnectionSecurity, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Creates a new LDAP server details instance.
LDAPServerDetails(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Creates a new LDAP server details instance from the specified properties.
LDAPServerDetails(String, Properties, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Creates a new LDAP server details instance from the specified properties.
LDAPServerSetFactory - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP server set factory.
LDIF - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.ResultFormat
The result is formatted as LDIF.
LDIFResultFormatter - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Static methods to format complex LDAP result structures as LDIF strings.
LEGAL_USERNAME_RE - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.id.Username
The regular expression string used to match legal usernames.
loadSingle(Class<T>, T) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.spi.ServiceLoaderUtility
Loads a single Service Provider Interface (SPI) implementation, if not found returns the specified default one.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
Logs the configuration details at INFO level using Log4j.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
Logs the configuration details at INFO level using Log4j.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.DirectoryUser
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.Json2LdapDetails
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerConnectionPoolDetails
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.config.LoggableConfiguration
Logs the configuration properties at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Logs the configuration details at INFO level.
log(JSONRPC2Request, JSONRPC2Response) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2LogUtility
Logs (at INFO level) the name of the JSON-RPC 2.0 request and the resulting response (success or error code + message).
log(JSONRPC2Request, JSONRPC2Response, String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2LogUtility
Logs (at INFO level) the name of the JSON-RPC 2.0 request and the resulting response (success or error code + message).
log(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ServletLogUtility
Logs (at INFO level) the method, the client IP address, CORS origin (if any and a CORS Filter is configured) and the security client certificate principal (if any) of an HTTP request.
log(Logger, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.ServletLogUtility
Logs (at INFO level) the method, the client IP address, CORS origin (if any and a CORS Filter is configured) and the security client certificate principal (if any) of an HTTP request.
LOG_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface com.nimbusds.common.config.LoggableConfiguration
The preferred logging category.
logCacheManagerStart(CacheStartedEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher.StartLogger
logCacheManagerStop(CacheStoppedEvent) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher.StopLogger
LoggableConfiguration - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.config
Loggable configuration.
LoggingWsDetector - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Logs the detected name and version of a remote JSON-RPC 2.0 web service, as reported by a WsInfoRequestHandler.
LoggingWsDetector(URL, String, Logger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.LoggingWsDetector
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 web service detector.
longestCommonExtension(String, int, String, int) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
This method takes four parameters: t1 and t2 (the two strings) and two indices i1 and i2 (the index to start at in t1 and t2).


MapUtility - Class in com.nimbusds.common.util
Map utility.
MasterAccessTokenValidator - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
Master access token validator.
MasterAccessTokenValidator.ErrorResponse - Class in com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
Bearer token error response.
matches(String, Metric) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
matchesAny() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
Returns true if the filter will match no metric.
matchesNone() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
Returns true if the filter will match any metric.
MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator
The minimum acceptable access token length.
MISSING_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Error response: Missing OAuth 2.0 Bearer access token.
MonitorConfiguration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
DropWizard metrics configuration.
MonitorConfiguration(Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration
Creates a new monitoring configuration from the specified properties.
MonitorConfiguration.Graphite - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Graphite reporting configuration.
MonitorLauncher - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Monitor launcher.
MonitorLauncher() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorLauncher
MonitorRegistries - Class in com.nimbusds.common.monitor
Shared monitor registers for Dropwizard metrics and health checks.
MonitorServlet - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Monitor servlet for exposing Dropwizard metrics and health checks, requires an OAuth 2.0 bearer token for access.
MonitorServlet() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet
MonitorServlet.Configuration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
The monitor servlet access token configuration.


NETWORK_IO_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
Network I/O error.
NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
No route to server host.
NONE - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionSecurity
No security (plain connection).


operations - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
Specifies the permitted LDAP operations.


parse(NamedParamsRetriever) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributesForRetrieval
Parses an "attributes" and a "binaryAttributes" specification from the given named JSON-RPC parameters.
parse(LDAPException) - Static method in exception com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException
Creates a new LDAP connection exception from the specified LDAP SDK exception.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.config.StringListParser
Parses a list of strings from the specified strings containing space or comma separated tokens.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId
Parses a string representation of a SASL authorisation identity.
parseAndValidate(String, SecretKey) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMAC
Parses and validates the specified identifier with HMAC protection.
parseParameters(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.util.URLUtility
Parses the specified URL query string into a parameter map.
parseServerSideSortRequestControl(List<Object>) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPControlRequestParser
Parses a JSON array (java.util.List) representing a server-side sort (RFC 2891) request.
parseSimplePagedResultsControl(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPControlRequestParser
Parses a JSON object (java.util.Map) representing a simple paged results (RFC 2696) request.
parseValues(String, NamedParamsRetriever) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributesForRetrieval
Parses a JSON-RPC 2.0 parameter representing a set of string values.
parseVirtualListViewControl(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPControlRequestParser
Parses a JSON object (java.util.Map) representing a virtual list view (draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09) request.
password - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
The password to unlock the custom key store file.
password - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
The password to unlock the custom trust store file.
password - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.DirectoryUser
The directory user password.
port - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The port of the Carbon server.
port - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
The port number on which the sample directory server must accept LDAP client connections.
prefix - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
Prefix for the metrics that are sent to the Carbon server.
PREFIX - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration
The prefix for the property names.
PresetLDAPConnectionFactory - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Factory for establishing LDAP connections to a preset directory server.
PresetLDAPConnectionFactory(LDAPServerDetails, CustomTrustStoreConfiguration, CustomKeyStoreConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.PresetLDAPConnectionFactory
Creates a new preset LDAP connection factory.
process(JSONRPC2Request, MessageContext) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfoRequestHandler
Processes JSON-RPC 2.0 requests for general information about this web service.
PrometheusMonitorServlet - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Monitor servlet for exposing Dropwizard metrics in Prometheus TSDB format, requires an OAuth 2.0 bearer token for access.
PrometheusMonitorServlet() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.PrometheusMonitorServlet
Monitor servlet for exposing Dropwizard metrics in Prometheus TSDB format.


ratesTimeUnit - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The rates time unit.
readObject(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierExternalizer
readTimeout - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Specifies an HTTP read timeout for web service requests, in milliseconds.
RedisCacheStoreChecks - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
Redis cache store checks.
register(MetricSet) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.MonitorRegistries
Registers a metric set.
register(String, HealthCheck) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.MonitorRegistries
Registers, updates or unregisters a health check.
register(String, Metric) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.MonitorRegistries
Registers, updates or unregisters a metric.
register(EmbeddedCacheManager) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.InfinispanHealthChecks
Registers Infinispan health checks "infinispan.[cache-name].availability" for the specified cache manager.
register(EmbeddedCacheManager) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.InfinispanMetrics
Registers Infinispan cluster metrics "infinispan.isCoordinator" and "infinispan.numClusterMembers" for the specified cache manager.
reportInterval - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.MonitorConfiguration.Graphite
The report interval, in seconds.
reportRequestProcTime - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
If true enables reporting of request processing time by appending a non-standard "xProcTime" attribute to the JSON-RPC 2.0 responses.
RequestHandlerWithLifecycle - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
JSON-RPC 2.0 request handler with lifecycle.
resolve(BindRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzIdResolver
Resolves the authzId (user) of a bind request.
resolve(PLAINBindRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzIdResolver
Resolves the authzId (user) of a plain SASL bind request.
resolve(SimpleBindRequest) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzIdResolver
Resolves the authzId (user) of a simple bind request.
ResourceRetriever - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Servlet resource retriever.
responseContentType - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.JSONRPC2WebAPIConfiguration
The value of the HTTP "Content-Type" header for the JSON-RPC 2.0 responses.
responseContentType - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
The HTTP (POST) response content type of JSON-RPC 2.0 responses.
responseTimeout - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The timeout in milliseconds for LDAP server responses.
ResultFormat - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Enumeration of LDAP response result formats.
reverseTransform(JSONObject) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Performs a reverse transformation of the specified JSON object representation of an LDAP entry.
ROUND_ROBIN - com.nimbusds.common.config.ServerSelectionAlgorithm
Round-robin selection algorithm.
run() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.LoggingWsDetector
Detects and logs the JSON-RPC 2.0 web service name and version.


SampleDirectory - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
Sample in-memory LDAP directory server for demonstration and testing purposes.
SampleDirectory() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory
SampleDirectory.Configuration - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
The sample directory server configuration.
schema - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory.Configuration
Specifies an alternative schema for the sample directory + server, supplied in a single LDIF file.
SchemaUtils - Class in com.nimbusds.common.ldap
LDAP schema utilities.
SECONDARY_API_TOKEN_SHA256_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet.Configuration
The property name for the SHA-256 hash of the secondary API access token.
secondaryAPIAccessTokenSHA256 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet.Configuration
The SHA-256 hash (in hexadecimal format) of the optional secondary monitor API access token, null if none.
SECURE_RANDOM - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
The secure random generator.
security - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The LDAP connection security.
selectionAlgorithm - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
The preferred algorithm for selecting an LDAP server from the array specified by LDAPServerDetails.url, null if only a single server URL is defined.
send(JSONRPC2Request) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ServiceConnector
Sends the specified JSON-RPC 2.0 request to the service (local or remote).
serializeParameters(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.util.URLUtility
Serialises the specified map of parameters into a URL query string.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.nimbusds.common.store.StoreException
Serial version UID.
ServerSelectionAlgorithm - Enum in com.nimbusds.common.config
Enumeration of server selection algorithms.
service - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
The target JSON-RPC 2.0 service.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.PrometheusMonitorServlet
ServiceLoaderUtility - Class in com.nimbusds.common.spi
Service loader utility.
ServiceLoaderUtility() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.spi.ServiceLoaderUtility
ServletLogUtility - Class in com.nimbusds.common.servlet
Helper methods for Log4j message generation.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
setLogger(Logger) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Sets the optional logger.
SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator - Class in com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
SHA-256 based access token validator.
SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator
Creates a new basic access token validator.
SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator(String...) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator
Creates a new basic access token validator.
SID - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a secure immutable session identifier (SID).
SID() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.SID
Creates a new unique session identifier (SID) based on a secure randomly generated 256-bit number, Base64URL-encoded.
SID(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.SID
Creates a new session identifier (SID) from the specified string.
SPLIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
The space split pattern.
SSL - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionSecurity
SSL security.
start() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.RequestHandlerWithLifecycle
Starts the request handler.
start(SampleDirectory.Configuration) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory
Starts the sample in-memory directory server.
StartLogger(Date) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher.StartLogger
Creates a new Infinispan startup logger.
STARTTLS - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionSecurity
StartTLS security.
STARTTLS_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
StartTLS error.
STATELESS - com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds.Mode
stop() - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.RequestHandlerWithLifecycle
Stops the request handler.
stop() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.SampleDirectory
Stops the sample in-memory directory server (if previously started).
StopLogger(Date) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.InfinispanLauncher.StopLogger
Creates a new Infinispan stop logger.
Store - Interface in com.nimbusds.common.store
Store marker interface.
StoreException - Exception in com.nimbusds.common.store
Store exception.
StoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.store.StoreException
Creates a new store exception.
StoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.common.store.StoreException
Creates a new store exception.
StringListParser - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
String list parse utility.


TCPIP_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
TCP/IP protocol exception.
TLS_SSL_ERROR - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
TLS/SSL error.
toJSONRPC2Error(LDAPException) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPExceptionUtils
Turns an LDAP exception into a JSON-RPC 2.0 error with corresponding code and message.
toJSONString() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Returns the JSON string representation of this identifier (ID).
TokenAbbreviator - Class in com.nimbusds.common.oauth2
Token abbreviation utility.
TokenAbbreviator() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.TokenAbbreviator
tokenValidator - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.MonitorServlet
The access token validator.
tokenValidator - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.servlet.PrometheusMonitorServlet
The access token validator.
toString() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.BaseIdentifier
Returns the string representation of this identifier (ID).
toString() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfo
Returns the string representation of this web service anme and version.
toString() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.FilterTemplate
Returns a string representation of this filter template.
toWebAppException() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator.ErrorResponse
Returns a web application exception for this error response.
transform(Entry) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Transforms the specified LDAP entry.
transform(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.ldap.AttributeMapper
Transforms the specified java.util.Map representation of an LDAP entry.
trustSelfSignedCerts - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Determines whether to accept self-signed certificates presented by the LDAP server (for secure SSL or StartTLS connections).
trustSelfSignedCerts - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Specifies whether to accept self-signed X.509 certificates presented by the web service (for HTTPS connections).
type - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomKeyStoreConfiguration
The type of the custom key store file, typically "JKS" or "PKCS12".
type - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.CustomTrustStoreConfiguration
The type of the custom trust store file, typically "JKS" or "PKCS12".


UID - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a user identifier (UID).
UID(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.UID
Creates a new user identifier (UID) with the specified value.
UNKNOWN_HOST - com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
Unknown server host name.
url - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.LDAPServerDetails
Specifies an array of one or more LDAP server URLs.
url - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
The HTTP(S) URL of the web service.
URLUtility - Class in com.nimbusds.common.util
URL operations.
useDefaultLDAPServer - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.config.Json2LdapDetails
Determines whether to use the default LDAP server specified by the Json2Ldap web service.
Username - Class in com.nimbusds.common.id
Represents a username.
Username(String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.id.Username
Creates a new username.
USERNAME - com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId.IdentityType


validateAndExtractValue(T) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.AbstractIdentifierWithHMACGenerator
validateAndExtractValue(T) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierWithHMACGenerator
Checks the HMAC of the specified identifier and returns its raw value (to be used as a key in database queries, etc).
validateBearerAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
validateBearerAccessToken(String) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Validates a bearer access token passed in the specified HTTP Authorization header value.
validateBearerAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator
validateBearerAccessToken(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.BasicAccessTokenValidator
validateBearerAccessToken(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Validates a bearer access token passed in the specified HTTP servlet request.
validateBearerAccessToken(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.SHA256BasedAccessTokenValidator
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.config.ServerSelectionAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId.IdentityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.DirectoryProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionSecurity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.ResultFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.config.ServerSelectionAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.id.AuthzId.IdentityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.infinispan.CacheWorkArounds.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.DirectoryProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionException.CauseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.LDAPConnectionSecurity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.common.ldap.ResultFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WEB_API_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.nimbusds.common.oauth2.MasterAccessTokenValidator
Error response: Web API disabled.
WebServiceDetails - Class in com.nimbusds.common.config
Web service connect details.
WebServiceDetails(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.config.WebServiceDetails
Creates a new web service details instance from the specified properties.
WildCardMetricFilter - Class in com.nimbusds.common.monitor
Wild card metric filter.
WildCardMetricFilter(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.monitor.WildCardMetricFilter
Creates a new wild card metrics filter.
writeEnd() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
Writes out the closing ']' of the JSON array and closes the writer.
writeEnd() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONObjectWriter
Writes out the closing '}' of the JSON object and closes the writer.
writeEnd() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONArrayWriter
Writes out the closing ']' of the JSON array and closes the writer.
writeEnd() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONObjectWriter
Writes out the closing '}' of the JSON object and closes the writer.
writeObject(ObjectOutput, BaseIdentifier) - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.id.IdentifierExternalizer
writeStart() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONArrayWriter
Writes out the opening '[' of the JSON array.
writeStart() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.appendable.JSONObjectWriter
Writes out the opening '{' of the JSON object.
writeStart() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONArrayWriter
Writes out the opening '[' of the JSON array.
writeStart() - Method in class com.nimbusds.common.json.JSONObjectWriter
Writes out the opening '{' of the JSON object.
WsDetector - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Detects the name and version of a remote JSON-RPC 2.0 web service, as reported by a WsInfoRequestHandler.
WsDetector(URL) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsDetector
Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 web service detector.
WsInfo - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Web service name and version.
WsInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfo
Creates a new web service name and version instance.
WsInfoRequestHandler - Class in com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2
Handles JSON-RPC 2.0 requests for general information about a web service.
WsInfoRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.WsInfoRequestHandler
wsName - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
The web service name.
wsVersion - Variable in class com.nimbusds.common.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Servlet
The web service version.


ZeroCacheModeDetector - Class in com.nimbusds.common.infinispan
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