Class LDAPConnectionException

    • Constructor Detail

      • LDAPConnectionException

        public LDAPConnectionException​(String message)
        Creates a new LDAP connection exception, with no specific cause type.
        message - The exception message. Should not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static LDAPConnectionException parse​(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException e)
        Creates a new LDAP connection exception from the specified LDAP SDK exception.

        This method contains special logic to compensate for a "bug" in the Unboundid LDAP SDK (found in 1.1.3) where network errors are poorly reported: instead of throwing a* exception, the SDK produces a general IOException where you need to scan its message text to find out the exact network cause (see unbounded.ldap.sdk.LDAPConnectionInternals() #line 142).

        e - The LDAP SDK exception. Must not be null.
        The matching LDAP connection exception.