Uses of Class

Packages that use Payload
com.nimbusds.jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) classes. 

Uses of Payload in com.nimbusds.jose

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose that return Payload
 Payload JOSEObject.getPayload()
          Gets the payload of this JOSE object.

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose with parameters of type Payload
protected  void JOSEObject.setPayload(Payload payload)
          Sets the payload of this JOSE object.

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jose with parameters of type Payload
JOSEObject(Payload payload)
          Creates a new JOSE object with the specified payload.
JWEObject(JWEHeader header, Payload payload)
          Creates a new to-be-encrypted JSON Web Encryption (JWE) object with the specified header and payload.
JWSObject(JWSHeader header, Payload payload)
          Creates a new to-be-signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) object with the specified header and payload.
PlainObject(Payload payload)
          Creates a new plaintext JOSE object with a default PlainHeader and the specified payload.
PlainObject(PlainHeader header, Payload payload)
          Creates a new plaintext JOSE object with the specified header and payload.

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