Uses of Class

Packages that use Base64URL
com.nimbusds.jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) classes. 
com.nimbusds.jose.crypto Implementations of selected Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) algorithms. 
com.nimbusds.jose.util Base64, Base64URL, compression and JSON utility classes. 
com.nimbusds.jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) classes. 

Uses of Base64URL in com.nimbusds.jose

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose that return Base64URL
 Base64URL ReadOnlyJWEHeader.getAgreementPartyUInfo()
          Gets the agreement PartyUInfo (apu) parameter.
 Base64URL JWEHeader.getAgreementPartyUInfo()
 Base64URL ReadOnlyJWEHeader.getAgreementPartyVInfo()
          Gets the agreement PartyVInfo (apv) parameter.
 Base64URL JWEHeader.getAgreementPartyVInfo()
 Base64URL JWEObject.getCipherText()
          Gets the cipher text of this JWE object.
 Base64URL JWECryptoParts.getCipherText()
          Gets the cipher text.
 Base64URL JWEObject.getEncryptedKey()
          Gets the encrypted key of this JWE object.
 Base64URL JWECryptoParts.getEncryptedKey()
          Gets the encrypted key.
 Base64URL ReadOnlyJWEHeader.getEncryptionPartyUInfo()
          Gets the encryption PartyUInfo (epu) parameter.
 Base64URL JWEHeader.getEncryptionPartyUInfo()
 Base64URL ReadOnlyJWEHeader.getEncryptionPartyVInfo()
          Gets the encryption PartyVInfo (epv) parameter.
 Base64URL JWEHeader.getEncryptionPartyVInfo()
 Base64URL RSAKey.getExponent()
          Returns the exponent value for this RSA public key.
 Base64URL JWEObject.getInitializationVector()
          Gets the initialisation vector (IV) of this JWE object.
 Base64URL JWECryptoParts.getInitializationVector()
          Gets the initialisation vector (IV).
 Base64URL JWEObject.getIntegrityValue()
          Gets the integrity value of this JWE object.
 Base64URL JWECryptoParts.getIntegrityValue()
          Gets the integrity value.
 Base64URL RSAKey.getModulus()
          Returns the modulus value for this RSA public key.
 Base64URL[] JOSEObject.getParsedParts()
          Gets the original parsed Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object.
 Base64URL JWSObject.getSignature()
          Gets the signature of this JWS object.
 Base64URL ECKey.getX()
          Gets the 'x' coordinate for the elliptic curve point.
 Base64URL ReadOnlyCommonSEHeader.getX509CertThumbprint()
          Gets the X.509 certificate thumbprint (x5t) parameter.
 Base64URL CommonSEHeader.getX509CertThumbprint()
 Base64URL ECKey.getY()
          Gets the 'y' coordinate for the elliptic curve point.
 Base64URL JWSSigner.sign(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signableContent)
          Signs the specified signable content of a JWS object.
static Base64URL[] JOSEObject.split(java.lang.String s)
          Splits a serialised JOSE object into its Base64URL-encoded parts.
 Base64URL Payload.toBase64URL()
          Returns a Base64URL view of this payload.
 Base64URL Header.toBase64URL()
 Base64URL ReadOnlyHeader.toBase64URL()
          Returns a Base64URL representation of the header.

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose with parameters of type Base64URL
 byte[] JWEDecrypter.decrypt(ReadOnlyJWEHeader header, Base64URL encryptedKey, Base64URL iv, Base64URL cipherText, Base64URL integrityValue)
          Decrypts the specified cipher text of a JWE Object.
static JWEHeader JWEHeader.parse(Base64URL base64URL)
          Parses a JWE header from the specified Base64URL.
static PlainHeader PlainHeader.parse(Base64URL base64URL)
          Parses a plain header from the specified Base64URL.
static JWSHeader JWSHeader.parse(Base64URL base64URL)
          Parses a JWS header from the specified Base64URL.
 void JWEHeader.setAgreementPartyUInfo(Base64URL apu)
          Sets the agreement PartyUInfo (apu) parameter.
 void JWEHeader.setAgreementPartyVInfo(Base64URL apv)
          Sets the agreement PartyVInfo (apv) parameter.
 void JWEHeader.setEncryptionPartyUInfo(Base64URL epu)
          Sets the encryption PartyUInfo (epu) parameter.
 void JWEHeader.setEncryptionPartyVInfo(Base64URL epv)
          Sets the encryption PartyVInfo (epv) parameter.
protected  void JOSEObject.setParsedParts(Base64URL... parts)
          Sets the original parsed Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object.
 void CommonSEHeader.setX509CertThumbprint(Base64URL x5t)
          Sets the X.509 certificate thumbprint (x5t) parameter.
 boolean JWSVerifier.verify(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signedContent, Base64URL signature)
          Verifies the specified signature of a JWS object.

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jose with parameters of type Base64URL
ECKey(ECKey.Curve crv, Base64URL x, Base64URL y, Use use, Algorithm alg, java.lang.String kid)
          Creates a new public Elliptic Curve JSON Web Key (JWK) with the specified parameters.
JWECryptoParts(Base64URL encryptedKey, Base64URL iv, Base64URL cipherText, Base64URL integrityValue)
          Creates a new cryptograhic JWE parts instance.
JWEObject(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart, Base64URL thirdPart, Base64URL fourthPart, Base64URL fifthPart)
          Creates a new encrypted JSON Web Encryption (JWE) object with the specified serialised parts.
JWSObject(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart, Base64URL thirdPart)
          Creates a new signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) object with the specified serialised parts.
Payload(Base64URL base64URL)
          Creates a new payload from the specified Base64URL-encoded object.
PlainObject(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart)
          Creates a new plaintext JOSE object with the specified Base64URL-encoded parts.
RSAKey(Base64URL n, Base64URL e, Use use, Algorithm alg, java.lang.String kid)
          Creates a new public RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the specified parameters.

Uses of Base64URL in com.nimbusds.jose.crypto

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose.crypto that return Base64URL
 Base64URL RSASSASigner.sign(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signableContent)
 Base64URL ECDSASigner.sign(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signableContent)
 Base64URL MACSigner.sign(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signableContent)

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose.crypto with parameters of type Base64URL
 byte[] RSADecrypter.decrypt(ReadOnlyJWEHeader readOnlyJWEHeader, Base64URL encryptedKey, Base64URL iv, Base64URL cipherText, Base64URL integrityValue)
 boolean MACVerifier.verify(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signedContent, Base64URL signature)
 boolean ECDSAVerifier.verify(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signedContent, Base64URL signature)
 boolean RSASSAVerifier.verify(ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, byte[] signedContent, Base64URL signature)

Uses of Base64URL in com.nimbusds.jose.util

Methods in com.nimbusds.jose.util that return Base64URL
static Base64URL Base64.encode(byte[] bytes)
          Base64-encode the specified byte array.
static Base64URL Base64URL.encode(byte[] bytes)
          Base64URL-encode the specified byte array.
static Base64URL Base64URL.encode(java.lang.String text)
          Base64URL-encode the specified string.

Uses of Base64URL in com.nimbusds.jwt

Methods in com.nimbusds.jwt that return Base64URL
 Base64URL[] JWT.getParsedParts()
          Gets the original parsed Base64URL parts used to create the JSON Web Token (JWT).

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jwt with parameters of type Base64URL
EncryptedJWT(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart, Base64URL thirdPart, Base64URL fourthPart, Base64URL fifthPart)
          Creates a new encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified serialised parts.
PlainJWT(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart)
          Creates a new plain JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified Base64URL-encoded parts.
SignedJWT(Base64URL firstPart, Base64URL secondPart, Base64URL thirdPart)
          Creates a new signed JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified serialised parts.

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