Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet
com.nimbusds.jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) classes. 

Uses of ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet in com.nimbusds.jwt

Classes in com.nimbusds.jwt that implement ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet
 class JWTClaimsSet
          JSON Web Token (JWT) claims set.

Methods in com.nimbusds.jwt that return ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet
 ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet EncryptedJWT.getJWTClaimsSet()
 ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet JWT.getJWTClaimsSet()
          Gets the claims set of the JSON Web Token (JWT).
 ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet PlainJWT.getJWTClaimsSet()
 ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet SignedJWT.getJWTClaimsSet()

Constructors in com.nimbusds.jwt with parameters of type ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet
EncryptedJWT(JWEHeader header, ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet claimsSet)
          Creates a new to-be-encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified header and claims set.
JWTClaimsSet(ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet old)
          Creates a copy of the specified JWT claims set.
PlainJWT(PlainHeader header, ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet claimsSet)
          Creates a new plain JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified header and claims set.
SignedJWT(JWSHeader header, ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet claimsSet)
          Creates a new to-be-signed JSON Web Token (JWT) with the specified header and claims set.

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