Class JOSEObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • JOSEObject

        protected JOSEObject()
        Creates a new JOSE object. The payload and the original parsed Base64URL parts are not defined.
      • JOSEObject

        protected JOSEObject​(Payload payload)
        Creates a new JOSE object with the specified payload.
        payload - The payload, null if not available (e.g. for an encrypted JWE object).
    • Method Detail

      • getHeader

        public abstract Header getHeader()
        Returns the header of this JOSE object.
        The header.
      • setPayload

        protected void setPayload​(Payload payload)
        Sets the payload of this JOSE object.
        payload - The payload, null if not available (e.g. for an encrypted JWE object).
      • getPayload

        public Payload getPayload()
        Returns the payload of this JOSE object.
        The payload, null if not available (for an encrypted JWE object that hasn't been decrypted).
      • setParsedParts

        protected void setParsedParts​(Base64URL... parts)
        Sets the original parsed Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object.
        parts - The original Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object, null if the object was created from scratch. The individual parts may be empty or null to indicate a missing part.
      • getParsedParts

        public Base64URL[] getParsedParts()
        Returns the original parsed Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object.
        The original Base64URL parts used to create this JOSE object, null if the object was created from scratch. The individual parts may be empty or null to indicate a missing part.
      • getParsedString

        public String getParsedString()
        Returns the original parsed string used to create this JOSE object.
        The parsed string used to create this JOSE object, null if the object was creates from scratch.
        See Also:
      • serialize

        public abstract String serialize()
        Serialises this JOSE object to compact encoding consisting of Base64URL-encoded parts delimited by period ('.') characters.
        The serialised JOSE object.
        IllegalStateException - If the JOSE object is not in a state that permits serialisation.
      • split

        public static Base64URL[] split​(String s)
                                 throws ParseException
        Splits a compact serialised JOSE object into its Base64URL-encoded parts.
        s - The compact serialised JOSE object to split. Must not be null.
        The JOSE Base64URL-encoded parts (three for unsecured and JWS objects, five for JWE objects).
        ParseException - If the specified string couldn't be split into three or five Base64URL-encoded parts.