Class ImmutableJWKSet<C extends SecurityContext>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ImmutableJWKSet

        public ImmutableJWKSet​(JWKSet jwkSet)
        Creates a new JWK source backed by an immutable JWK set.
        jwkSet - The JWK set. Must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getJWKSet

        public JWKSet getJWKSet()
        Returns the JWK set.
        The JWK set.
      • get

        public List<JWKget​(JWKSelector jwkSelector,
                             C context)
        Retrieves a list of JWKs matching the specified selector. The security context is ignored.
        Specified by:
        get in interface JWKSource<C extends SecurityContext>
        jwkSelector - A JWK selector. Must not be null.
        context - Optional context, null if not required.
        The matching JWKs, empty list if no matches were found.