Interface JWTClaimsSetAwareJWSKeySelector<C extends SecurityContext>

  • public interface JWTClaimsSetAwareJWSKeySelector<C extends SecurityContext>
    Interface for selecting key candidates for processing a signed JWT which provides access to the JWT claims set in addition to the JWS header.

    The interface supports keys selection based on:

    • Recognised header parameter(s) referencing the key (e.g. kid, x5t).
    • JWT claim(s) (e.g. issuer (iss) to locate a JWK set).
    • Additional SecurityContext, if required and set by the application (e.g. endpoint where the JWT was received).

    See the simpler JWSKeySelector if the application doesn't use JWT claim(s) to select the key candidates.

    Possible key types:

    Vladimir Dzhuvinov
    • Method Detail

      • selectKeys

        List<? extends KeyselectKeys​(JWSHeader header,
                                       JWTClaimsSet claimsSet,
                                       C context)
                                throws KeySourceException
        Selects key candidates for verifying a signed JWT.
        header - The JWS header. Must not be null.
        claimsSet - The JWT claims set (not verified). Must not be null.
        context - Optional context of the JOSE object, null if not required.
        The key candidates in trial order, empty list if none.
        KeySourceException - If a key sourcing exception is encountered, e.g. on remote JWK retrieval.