Class JWSHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Immutable public final class JWSHeader extends Header
JSON Web Signature (JWS) header. This class is immutable.

Supports the following registered header parameters:

  • alg
  • jku
  • jwk
  • x5u
  • x5t
  • x5t#S256
  • x5c
  • kid
  • typ
  • cty
  • crit
  • b64

The header may also include custom parameters; these will be serialised and parsed along the registered ones.

Example header of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) object using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm:

   "alg" : "HS256"
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JWSHeader

      public JWSHeader(JWSAlgorithm alg)
      Creates a new minimal JSON Web Signature (JWS) header.

      Note: Use PlainHeader to create a header with algorithm none.

      alg - The JWS algorithm (alg) parameter. Must not be "none" or null.
    • JWSHeader

      @Deprecated public JWSHeader(JWSAlgorithm alg, JOSEObjectType typ, String cty, Set<String> crit, URI jku, JWK jwk, URI x5u, Base64URL x5t, Base64URL x5t256, List<Base64> x5c, String kid, Map<String,Object> customParams, Base64URL parsedBase64URL)
      Creates a new JSON Web Signature (JWS) header.

      Note: Use PlainHeader to create a header with algorithm none.

      alg - The JWS algorithm (alg) parameter. Must not be "none" or null.
      typ - The type (typ) parameter, null if not specified.
      cty - The content type (cty) parameter, null if not specified.
      crit - The names of the critical header (crit) parameters, empty set or null if none.
      jku - The JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL (jku) parameter, null if not specified.
      jwk - The X.509 certificate URL (jwk) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5u - The X.509 certificate URL parameter (x5u), null if not specified.
      x5t - The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint (x5t) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5t256 - The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint (x5t#S256) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5c - The X.509 certificate chain (x5c) parameter, null if not specified.
      kid - The key ID (kid) parameter, null if not specified.
      customParams - The custom parameters, empty map or null if none.
      parsedBase64URL - The parsed Base64URL, null if the header is created from scratch.
    • JWSHeader

      public JWSHeader(JWSAlgorithm alg, JOSEObjectType typ, String cty, Set<String> crit, URI jku, JWK jwk, URI x5u, Base64URL x5t, Base64URL x5t256, List<Base64> x5c, String kid, boolean b64, Map<String,Object> customParams, Base64URL parsedBase64URL)
      Creates a new JSON Web Signature (JWS) header.

      Note: Use PlainHeader to create a header with algorithm none.

      alg - The JWS algorithm (alg) parameter. Must not be "none" or null.
      typ - The type (typ) parameter, null if not specified.
      cty - The content type (cty) parameter, null if not specified.
      crit - The names of the critical header (crit) parameters, empty set or null if none.
      jku - The JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL (jku) parameter, null if not specified.
      jwk - The X.509 certificate URL (jwk) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5u - The X.509 certificate URL parameter (x5u), null if not specified.
      x5t - The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint (x5t) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5t256 - The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint (x5t#S256) parameter, null if not specified.
      x5c - The X.509 certificate chain (x5c) parameter, null if not specified.
      kid - The key ID (kid) parameter, null if not specified.
      b64 - true to Base64URL encode the payload for standard JWS serialisation, false for unencoded payload (RFC 7797).
      customParams - The custom parameters, empty map or null if none.
      parsedBase64URL - The parsed Base64URL, null if the header is created from scratch.
    • JWSHeader

      public JWSHeader(JWSHeader jwsHeader)
      Deep copy constructor.
      jwsHeader - The JWS header to copy. Must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getRegisteredParameterNames

      Gets the registered parameter names for JWS headers.
      The registered parameter names, as an unmodifiable set.
    • getAlgorithm

      Gets the algorithm (alg) parameter.
      getAlgorithm in class Header
      The algorithm parameter.
    • isBase64URLEncodePayload

      public boolean isBase64URLEncodePayload()
      Returns the Base64URL-encode payload (b64) parameter.
      true to Base64URL encode the payload for standard JWS serialisation, false for unencoded payload (RFC 7797).
    • getIncludedParams

      Description copied from class: Header
      Gets the names of all included parameters (registered and custom) in the header instance.
      The included parameters.
    • toJSONObject

      Description copied from class: Header
      Returns a JSON object representation of the header. All custom parameters are included if they serialise to a JSON entity and their names don't conflict with the registered ones.
      The JSON object representation of the header.
    • parse

      public static JWSHeader parse(Map<String,Object> jsonObject) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS header from the specified JSON object.
      jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWS header.
      ParseException - If the specified JSON object doesn't represent a valid JWS header.
    • parse

      public static JWSHeader parse(Map<String,Object> jsonObject, Base64URL parsedBase64URL) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS header from the specified JSON object.
      jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Must not be null.
      parsedBase64URL - The original parsed Base64URL, null if not applicable.
      The JWS header.
      ParseException - If the specified JSON object doesn't represent a valid JWS header.
    • parse

      public static JWSHeader parse(String jsonString) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS header from the specified JSON object string.
      jsonString - The JSON string to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWS header.
      ParseException - If the specified JSON object string doesn't represent a valid JWS header.
    • parse

      public static JWSHeader parse(String jsonString, Base64URL parsedBase64URL) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS header from the specified JSON object string.
      jsonString - The JSON string to parse. Must not be null.
      parsedBase64URL - The original parsed Base64URL, null if not applicable.
      The JWS header.
      ParseException - If the specified JSON object string doesn't represent a valid JWS header.
    • parse

      public static JWSHeader parse(Base64URL base64URL) throws ParseException
      Parses a JWS header from the specified Base64URL.
      base64URL - The Base64URL to parse. Must not be null.
      The JWS header.
      ParseException - If the specified Base64URL doesn't represent a valid JWS header.
    • getJWKURL

      public URI getJWKURL()
      Gets the public JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL (jku) parameter.
      The public JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL parameter, null if not specified.
    • getJWK

      public JWK getJWK()
      Gets the public JSON Web Key (JWK) (jwk) parameter.
      The public JSON Web Key (JWK) parameter, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertURL

      public URI getX509CertURL()
      Gets the X.509 certificate URL (x5u) parameter.
      The X.509 certificate URL parameter, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertThumbprint

      @Deprecated public Base64URL getX509CertThumbprint()
      Gets the X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint (x5t) parameter.
      The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint parameter, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint

      public Base64URL getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint()
      Gets the X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint (x5t#S256) parameter.
      The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint parameter, null if not specified.
    • getX509CertChain

      public List<Base64> getX509CertChain()
      Gets the X.509 certificate chain (x5c) parameter corresponding to the key used to sign or encrypt the JWS / JWE object.
      The X.509 certificate chain parameter as a unmodifiable list, null if not specified.
    • getKeyID

      public String getKeyID()
      Gets the key ID (kid) parameter.
      The key ID parameter, null if not specified.