Interface JWEKeySelector<C extends SecurityContext>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JWEKeySelector<C extends SecurityContext>
Interface for selecting key candidates for decrypting a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) object. Applications should utilise this interface or a similar framework to determine whether a received JWE object (or encrypted JWT) is eligible for decryption and further processing.

The interface supports keys selection based on:

  • Recognised header parameters referencing the key (e.g. kid, x5t).
  • Additional SecurityContext, if required and set by the application (e.g. endpoint where the JWE object was received).

See JSON Web Signature (JWE), Appendix D. Notes on Key Selection for suggestions.

Possible key types:

Vladimir Dzhuvinov
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    List<? extends Key>
    selectJWEKeys(JWEHeader header, C context)
    Selects key candidates for decrypting a JWE object.
  • Method Details

    • selectJWEKeys

      List<? extends Key> selectJWEKeys(JWEHeader header, C context) throws KeySourceException
      Selects key candidates for decrypting a JWE object.
      header - The header of the JWE object. Must not be null.
      context - Optional context, null if not required.
      The key candidates in trial order, empty list if none.
      KeySourceException - If a key source exception is encountered, e.g. on remote JWK retrieval.