Class TrustChainConstraints

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TrustChainConstraints
    extends Object
    implements net.minidev.json.JSONAware
    Trust chain constraints.

    Example JSON object:

       "max_path_length"    : 2,
       "naming_constraints" : {
            "permitted" : [ "" ],
            "excluded"  : [ "" ]
       "allowed_leaf_entity_types" : [ "openid_provider", "openid_relying_party" ]

    Related specifications:

    • OpenID Connect Federation 1.0, section 5.2.
    • RFC 5280, section
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrustChainConstraints

        public TrustChainConstraints​(int maxPathLength)
        Creates a new trust chain constraints instance.
        maxPathLength - The maximum number of entities between this and the leaf entity in the chain, -1 if not specified.
      • TrustChainConstraints

        public TrustChainConstraints​(int maxPathLength,
                                     List<EntityIDConstraint> permittedEntityIDs,
                                     List<EntityIDConstraint> excludedEntityIDs,
                                     LeafEntityTypeConstraint leafEntityTypeConstraint)
        Creates a new trust chain constraints instance.
        maxPathLength - The maximum number of entities between this and the leaf entity in the chain, -1 if not specified.
        permittedEntityIDs - The permitted entity IDs, null if not specified.
        excludedEntityIDs - The excluded entities, null if not specified.
    • Method Detail

      • isPermitted

        public boolean isPermitted​(int numIntermediatesInPath)
        Checks if the given number of intermediates is permitted.
        numIntermediatesInPath - The number of intermediate entities between the entity specifying the constraints and the specified entity. Must be zero or greater.
        true if permitted, else false.
      • isPermitted

        public boolean isPermitted​(EntityID entityID)
        Checks if the specified entity ID is permitted.
        entityID - The entity ID. Must not be null.
        true if permitted, else false.
      • isPermitted

        public boolean isPermitted​(int numIntermediatesInPath,
                                   EntityID entityID)
        Checks if the entity ID with the given number of intermediates is permitted.
        numIntermediatesInPath - The number of intermediate entities between the entity specifying the constraints and the specified entity. Must be zero or greater.
        entityID - The entity ID. Must not be null.
        true if allowed, else false.
      • getMaxPathLength

        public int getMaxPathLength()
        Returns the maximum number of entities between this and the last one in the chain.
        The maximum number of entities between this and the last one in the chain, -1 if not specified.
      • toJSONObject

        public net.minidev.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
        Returns a JSON object representation of this trust chain constraints.
        The JSON object.
      • toJSONString

        public String toJSONString()
        Specified by:
        toJSONString in interface net.minidev.json.JSONAware
      • parse

        public static TrustChainConstraints parse​(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
                                           throws ParseException
        Parses a trust chain constraints instance from the specified JSON object.
        jsonObject - The JSON object. Must not be null.
        The trust chain constraints.
        ParseException - If parsing failed.