Class JARMValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JARMValidator
    extends AbstractJWTValidator
    implements com.nimbusds.jwt.proc.ClockSkewAware
    Validator of JSON Web Token (JWT) secured authorisation responses (JARM).

    Supports processing of JWT responses with the following protection:

    • JWTs signed (JWS) with the Authorisation Server's RSA or EC key, require the Authorisation Server's public JWK set (provided by value or URL) to verify them.
    • JWTs authenticated with a JWS HMAC, require the client's secret to verify them.

    Convenience static methods for creating a validator from Authorisation Server metadata or issuer URL, and the registered OAuth 2.0 client information:

    Related specifications:

    • Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 (JARM).
    • Constructor Detail

      • JARMValidator

        public JARMValidator​(Issuer expectedIssuer,
                             ClientID clientID,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm expectedJWSAlg,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet jwkSet)
        Creates a new JARM validator for RSA or EC signed authorisation responses where the Authorisation Server's JWK set is specified by value.
        expectedIssuer - The expected issuer (Authorisation Server). Must not be null.
        clientID - The client ID. Must not be null.
        expectedJWSAlg - The expected RSA or EC JWS algorithm. Must not be null.
        jwkSet - The Authorisation Server JWK set. Must not be null.
      • JARMValidator

        public JARMValidator​(Issuer expectedIssuer,
                             ClientID clientID,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm expectedJWSAlg,
                             URL jwkSetURI)
        Creates a new JARM validator for RSA or EC signed authorisation responses where the Authorisation Server's JWK set is specified by URL.
        expectedIssuer - The expected issuer (Authorisation Server). Must not be null.
        clientID - The client ID. Must not be null.
        expectedJWSAlg - The expected RSA or EC JWS algorithm. Must not be null.
        jwkSetURI - The OpenID Provider JWK set URL. Must not be null.
      • JARMValidator

        public JARMValidator​(Issuer expectedIssuer,
                             ClientID clientID,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm expectedJWSAlg,
                             URL jwkSetURI,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.util.ResourceRetriever resourceRetriever)
        Creates a new JARM validator for RSA or EC signed authorisation responses where the Authorisation Server's JWK set is specified by URL. Permits setting of a specific resource retriever (HTTP client) for the JWK set.
        expectedIssuer - The expected issuer (Authorisation Server). Must not be null.
        clientID - The client ID. Must not be null.
        expectedJWSAlg - The expected RSA or EC JWS algorithm. Must not be null.
        jwkSetURI - The Authorisation Server JWK set URL. Must not be null.
        resourceRetriever - For retrieving the Authorisation Server JWK from the specified URL. If null the default retriever will be used, with preset HTTP connect timeout, HTTP read timeout and entity size limit.
      • JARMValidator

        public JARMValidator​(Issuer expectedIssuer,
                             ClientID clientID,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm expectedJWSAlg,
                             Secret clientSecret)
        Creates a new JARM validator for HMAC protected authorisation responses.
        expectedIssuer - The expected issuer (Authorisation Server). Must not be null.
        clientID - The client ID. Must not be null.
        expectedJWSAlg - The expected HMAC JWS algorithm. Must not be null.
        clientSecret - The client secret. Must not be null.
      • JARMValidator

        public JARMValidator​(Issuer expectedIssuer,
                             ClientID clientID,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.proc.JWSKeySelector jwsKeySelector,
                             com.nimbusds.jose.proc.JWEKeySelector jweKeySelector)
        Creates a new JARM validator.
        expectedIssuer - The expected issuer (Authorisation Server). Must not be null.
        clientID - The client ID. Must not be null.
        jwsKeySelector - The key selector for JWS verification, must not be null.
        jweKeySelector - The key selector for JWE decryption, null if encrypted authorisation responses are not expected.
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet validate​(String jwtResponseString)
                                               throws com.nimbusds.jose.proc.BadJOSEException,
        Validates the specified JWT-secured authorisation response.
        jwtResponseString - The JWT-secured authorisation response string. Must not be null.
        The claims set of the verified JWT.
        com.nimbusds.jose.proc.BadJOSEException - If the JWT is invalid or expired.
        com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException - If an internal JOSE exception was encountered.
      • validate

        public com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet validate​(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWT jwtResponse)
                                               throws com.nimbusds.jose.proc.BadJOSEException,
        Validates the specified JWT-secured authorisation response.
        jwtResponse - The JWT-secured authorisation response. Must not be null.
        The claims set of the verified JWT.
        com.nimbusds.jose.proc.BadJOSEException - If the JWT is invalid or expired.
        com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException - If an internal JOSE exception was encountered.
      • createJWSKeySelector

        protected static com.nimbusds.jose.proc.JWSKeySelector createJWSKeySelector​(AuthorizationServerMetadata asMetadata,
                                                                                    ClientInformation clientInfo)
                                                                             throws GeneralException
        Creates a key selector for JWS verification.
        asMetadata - The Authorisation Server metadata. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client information. Must not be null.
        The JWS key selector.
        GeneralException - If the supplied Authorisation Server metadata or OAuth 2.0 client information are missing a required parameter or inconsistent.
      • createJWEKeySelector

        protected static com.nimbusds.jose.proc.JWEKeySelector createJWEKeySelector​(AuthorizationServerMetadata asMetadata,
                                                                                    ClientInformation clientInfo,
                                                                                    com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source.JWKSource clientJWKSource)
                                                                             throws GeneralException
        Creates a key selector for JWE decryption.
        asMetadata - The Authorisation Server metadata. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client information. Must not be null.
        clientJWKSource - The client private JWK source, null if encrypted JWT-secured authorisation responses are not expected.
        The JWE key selector.
        GeneralException - If the supplied Authorisation Server metadata or OAuth 2.0 client information are missing a required parameter or inconsistent.
      • create

        public static JARMValidator create​(AuthorizationServerMetadata asMetadata,
                                           ClientInformation clientInfo,
                                           com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source.JWKSource clientJWKSource)
                                    throws GeneralException
        Creates a new JARM validator for the specified Authorisation Server metadata and OAuth 2.0 client registration.
        asMetadata - The Authorisation Server metadata. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client registration. Must not be null.
        clientJWKSource - The client private JWK source, null if encrypted authorisation responses are not expected.
        The JARM validator.
        GeneralException - If the supplied Authorisation Server metadata or OAuth 2.0 client information are missing a required parameter or inconsistent.
      • create

        public static JARMValidator create​(AuthorizationServerMetadata asMetadata,
                                           ClientInformation clientInfo)
                                    throws GeneralException
        Creates a new JARM validator for the specified Authorisation Server metadata and OAuth 2.0 client registration.
        asMetadata - The Authorisation Server metadata. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client registration. Must not be null.
        The JARM validator.
        GeneralException - If the supplied Authorisation Server metadata or OAuth 2.0 client information are missing a required parameter or inconsistent.
      • create

        public static JARMValidator create​(Issuer issuer,
                                           ClientInformation clientInfo)
                                    throws GeneralException,
        Creates a new JARM validator for the specified Authorisation Server or OpenID Provider, which must publish its metadata at [issuer-url]/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server resp. [issuer-url]/.well-known/openid-configuration.
        issuer - The Authorisation Server / OpenID Provider issuer identifier. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client registration. Must not be null.
        The JARM validator.
        GeneralException - If the resolved Authorisation Server / OpenID Provider metadata is invalid.
        IOException - On a HTTP exception.
      • create

        public static JARMValidator create​(Issuer issuer,
                                           ClientInformation clientInfo,
                                           com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.source.JWKSource clientJWKSource,
                                           int connectTimeout,
                                           int readTimeout)
                                    throws GeneralException,
        Creates a new JARM validator for the specified Authorisation Server or OpenID Provider, which must publish its metadata at [issuer-url]/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server resp. [issuer-url]/.well-known/openid-configuration.
        issuer - The Authorisation Server / OpenID Provider issuer identifier. Must not be null.
        clientInfo - The OAuth 2.0 client registration. Must not be null.
        clientJWKSource - The client private JWK source, null if encrypted authorisation responses are not expected.
        connectTimeout - The HTTP connect timeout, in milliseconds. Zero implies no timeout. Must not be negative.
        readTimeout - The HTTP response read timeout, in milliseconds. Zero implies no timeout. Must not be negative.
        The JARM validator.
        GeneralException - If the resolved Authorisation Server / OpenID Provider metadata is invalid.
        IOException - On a HTTP exception.