Class Secret

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DEFAULT_BYTE_LENGTH
      The default byte length of generated secrets.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Generates a new secret with a cryptographic 256-bit (32-byte) random value, Base64URL-encoded.
      Secret​(int byteLength)
      Generates a new secret with a cryptographic random value of the specified byte length, Base64URL-encoded.
      Secret​(int byteLength, Date expDate)
      Generates a new secret with a cryptographic random value of the specified byte length, Base64URL-encoded, and the specified expiration date.
      Secret​(String value)
      Creates a new secret with the specified value.
      Secret​(String value, Date expDate)
      Creates a new secret with the specified value and expiration date.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Secret

        public Secret​(String value)
        Creates a new secret with the specified value.
        value - The secret value. May be an empty string. Must be UTF-8 encoded and not null.
      • Secret

        public Secret​(String value,
                      Date expDate)
        Creates a new secret with the specified value and expiration date.
        value - The secret value. May be an empty string. Must be UTF-8 encoded and not null.
        expDate - The expiration date, null if not specified.
      • Secret

        public Secret​(int byteLength)
        Generates a new secret with a cryptographic random value of the specified byte length, Base64URL-encoded.
        byteLength - The byte length of the secret value to generate. Must be greater than one.
      • Secret

        public Secret​(int byteLength,
                      Date expDate)
        Generates a new secret with a cryptographic random value of the specified byte length, Base64URL-encoded, and the specified expiration date.
        byteLength - The byte length of the secret value to generate. Must be greater than one.
        expDate - The expiration date, null if not specified.
      • Secret

        public Secret()
        Generates a new secret with a cryptographic 256-bit (32-byte) random value, Base64URL-encoded.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Gets the value of this secret.
        The value as a UTF-8 encoded string, null if it has been erased.
      • getValueBytes

        public byte[] getValueBytes()
        Gets the value of this secret.
        The value as a byte array, null if it has been erased.
      • getSHA256

        public byte[] getSHA256()
        Gets the SHA-256 hash of this secret.
        The SHA-256 hash, null if the secret value has been erased.
      • erase

        public void erase()
        Erases of the value of this secret.
      • getExpirationDate

        public Date getExpirationDate()
        Gets the expiration date of this secret.
        The expiration date, null if not specified.
      • expired

        public boolean expired()
        Checks is this secret has expired.
        true if the secret has an associated expiration date which is in the past (according to the current system time), else returns false.
      • equalsSHA256Based

        public boolean equalsSHA256Based​(Secret other)
        Constant time comparison of the SHA-256 hashes of this and another secret.
        other - The other secret. May be null.
        true if the SHA-256 hashes of the two secrets are equal, else false.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Comparison with another secret is constant time.
        equals in class Object
        o - The other object. May be null.
        true if both objects are equal, else false.