Class BearerTokenError

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BearerTokenError
    extends TokenSchemeError
    OAuth 2.0 bearer token error. Used to indicate that access to a resource protected by a Bearer access token is denied, due to the request or token being invalid, or due to the access token having insufficient scope.

    Standard bearer access token errors:

    Example HTTP response:

     HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
     WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="",
                       error_description="The access token expired"

    Related specifications:

    • OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage (RFC 6750), section 3.1.
    • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication (RFC 7235), section 4.1.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final BearerTokenError MISSING_TOKEN
        The request does not contain an access token. No error code or description is specified for this error, just the HTTP status code is set to 401 (Unauthorized).


         HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
         WWW-Authenticate: Bearer

        public static final BearerTokenError INVALID_REQUEST
        The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter or parameter value, repeats the same parameter, uses more than one method for including an access token, or is otherwise malformed. The HTTP status code is set to 400 (Bad Request).

        public static final BearerTokenError INVALID_TOKEN
        The access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons. The HTTP status code is set to 401 (Unauthorized).

        public static final BearerTokenError INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE
        The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token. The HTTP status code is set to 403 (Forbidden).
    • Constructor Detail

      • BearerTokenError

        public BearerTokenError​(String code,
                                String description)
        Creates a new OAuth 2.0 bearer token error with the specified code and description.
        code - The error code, null if not specified.
        description - The error description, null if not specified.
      • BearerTokenError

        public BearerTokenError​(String code,
                                String description,
                                int httpStatusCode)
        Creates a new OAuth 2.0 bearer token error with the specified code, description and HTTP status code.
        code - The error code, null if not specified.
        description - The error description, null if not specified.
        httpStatusCode - The HTTP status code, zero if not specified.
      • BearerTokenError

        public BearerTokenError​(String code,
                                String description,
                                int httpStatusCode,
                                URI uri,
                                String realm,
                                Scope scope)
        Creates a new OAuth 2.0 bearer token error with the specified code, description, HTTP status code, page URI, realm and scope.
        code - The error code, null if not specified.
        description - The error description, null if not specified.
        httpStatusCode - The HTTP status code, zero if not specified.
        uri - The error page URI, null if not specified.
        realm - The realm, null if not specified.
        scope - The required scope, null if not specified.