A B C D F G H I K L M N P R S T U V X 


A - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientCredentials
The public client value 'A'.
A - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
The public client value 'A'.
A - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerEvidenceContext
The public client value 'A'.
A - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The client public value 'A'.
A - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.URoutineContext
The public client value 'A'.


B - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
The public server value 'B'.
B - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The server public value 'B'.
B - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.URoutineContext
The public server value 'B'.
bigIntegerToUnsignedByteArray(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Returns the specified big integer as an unsigned byte array.
BigIntegerUtils - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Hexadecimal encoding and decoding utility.


ClientEvidenceRoutine - Interface in com.nimbusds.srp6
Custom routine interface for computing the client evidence message 'M1'.
clientEvidenceRoutine - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Custom routine for the client evidence message 'M1' computation.
com.nimbusds.srp6 - package com.nimbusds.srp6
Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) protocol implementation.
com.nimbusds.srp6.cli - package com.nimbusds.srp6.cli
Command-line tools for Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication.
computeClientEvidence(SRP6CryptoParams, SRP6ClientEvidenceContext) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.srp6.ClientEvidenceRoutine
Computes a client evidence message 'M1'.
computeClientEvidence(MessageDigest, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the client evidence message M1 = H(A | B | S)
computeK(MessageDigest, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the SRP-6 multiplier k = H(N | PAD(g))
computePublicClientValue(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the public client value A = g^a (mod N)
computePublicServerValue(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the public server value B = k * v + g^b (mod N)
computeServerEvidence(SRP6CryptoParams, SRP6ServerEvidenceContext) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.srp6.ServerEvidenceRoutine
Computes a server evidence message 'M2'.
computeServerEvidence(MessageDigest, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the server evidence message M2 = H(A | M1 | S)
computeSessionKey(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the session key S = (B - k * g^x) ^ (a + u * x) (mod N) from client-side parameters.
computeSessionKey(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the session key S = (A * v^u) ^ b (mod N) from server-side parameters.
computeU(MessageDigest, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes the random scrambling parameter u = H(PAD(A) | PAD(B))
computeU(SRP6CryptoParams, URoutineContext) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.srp6.URoutine
Computes 'u' as 'H(A | B)'.
computeVerifier(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes a verifier v = g^x (mod N)
computeX(MessageDigest, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Computes x = H(s | H(P))
computeX(MessageDigest, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.nimbusds.srp6.XRoutine
Computes the password key 'x'.
computeX(MessageDigest, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.XRoutineWithUserIdentity
Computes x = H(s | H(I | ":" | P))
config - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The crypto configuration.
console - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Buffered console input reader.
createRandomBigIntegerInRange(BigInteger, BigInteger, SecureRandom) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Returns a random big integer in the specified range [min, max].


digest - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Message digest (not thread-safe).


fromHex(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.BigIntegerUtils
Decodes the specified hex string into a big integer.


g - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
The corresponding generator 'g'.
g_common - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
generatePrivateValue(BigInteger, SecureRandom) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Generates a random SRP-6a client or server private value ('a' or 'b') which is 256 bits long.
generateRandomSalt(int) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Generates a random salt 's'.
generateRandomSalt(int) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a random salt 's'.
generateRandomSalt() - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a random 16-byte salt 's'.
generateVerifier(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a new verifier 'v' from the specified parameters.
generateVerifier(BigInteger, String, String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a new verifier 'v' from the specified parameters.
generateVerifier(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a new verifier 'v' from the specified parameters with the user identifier 'I' omitted.
generateVerifier(BigInteger, String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Generates a new verifier 'v' from the specified parameters with the user identifier 'I' omitted.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets a session attribute.
getCauseType() - Method in exception com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Exception
Gets the cause type for this exception.
getClientEvidenceMessage() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the client evidence message 'M1'.
getClientEvidenceRoutine() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the custom routine to compute the client evidence message 'M1'.
getConfig(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Interactive command-line session to select the SRP-6a crypto parameters.
getCryptoParams() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the SRP-6a crypto parameters for this session.
getHashedKeysRoutine() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the custom routine to compute hashed keys 'u' a 'H(A | B)'.
getInstance(int, String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Returns an SRP-6a crypto parameters instance with precomputed 'N' and 'g' values and the specified hash algorithm 'H'.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Returns an SRP-6a crypto parameters instance with precomputed 512-bit prime 'N', matching 'g' value and "SHA-1" hash algorithm.
getLastActivityTime() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the last session activity timestamp, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC (see System.currentTimeMillis()).
getMessageDigestInstance() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Returns a new message digest instance for the hash algorithm 'H'.
getPadded(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Pads a big integer with leading zeros up to the specified length.
getPublicClientValue() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the public client value 'A'.
getPublicServerValue() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the public server value 'B'.
getSalt() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the password salt 's'.
getServerEvidenceMessage() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the server evidence message 'M2'.
getServerEvidenceRoutine() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the custom routine to compute the server evidence message 'M2'.
getSessionKey(boolean) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the shared session key 'S' or its hash H(S).
getState() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Returns the current state of this SRP-6a authentication session.
getState() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Returns the current state of this SRP-6a authentication session.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the SRP-6a authentication session timeout.
getUserID() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Gets the identity 'I' of the authenticating user.
getXRoutine() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Gets the custom routine for the password key 'x' computation.
getXRoutine() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Gets the custom routine for the password key 'x' computation.


H - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
The hash algorithm 'H'.
hashedKeysRoutine - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Custom routine for the hashed keys 'u' computation.
hashPaddedPair(MessageDigest, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Hashes two padded values 'n1' and 'n2' where the total length is determined by the size of N.
hasTimedOut() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Returns true if the session has timed out, based on the timeout configuration and the last activity timestamp.


I - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client.User
The user identity 'I'.
isSupportedHashAlgorithm(String) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Checks if the specified hash algorithm 'H' is supported by the default security provider of the underlying Java runtime.
isValidPublicValue(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Routines
Validates an SRP6 client or server public value ('A' or 'B').


k - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The multiplier 'k'.


lastActivity - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The last activity timestamp, from System.currentTimeMillis().


M1 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientCredentials
The client evidence message 'M1'.
M1 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerEvidenceContext
The client evidence message 'M1'.
M1 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The client evidence message 'M1'.
M2 - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The server evidence message 'M2'.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client
The main entry point to the command-line SRP-6a client and verifier generator.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Server
The main entry point to the command-line SRP-6a server.
mockStep1(String, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Increments this SRP-6a authentication session to SRP6ServerSession.State.STEP_1 indicating a non-existing user identity 'I' with mock (simulated) salt 's' and password verifier 'v' values.


N - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
The safe prime 'N'.
N_1024 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 1024-bit prime 'N', as decimal.
N_1536 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 1536-bit prime 'N', as decimal.
N_2048 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 2048-bit prime 'N', as decimal.
N_256 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 256-bit prime 'N', as decimal.
N_512 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 512-bit prime 'N', as decimal.
N_768 - Static variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Precomputed safe 768-bit prime 'N', as decimal.


P - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client.User
The user password 'P'.


random - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Source of randomness.
readBigInteger() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Reads a big integer (hex-encoded) from the command-line.
readInput(String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Reads user input from the command-line.
readInput() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Reads user input from the command-line.
run() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client
run() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Server
run() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Runs the SRP-6a command-line tool.


s - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
The salt 's' used to compute the password key 'x' (and hence the verifier 'v').
S - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
The session key 'S'.
S - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerEvidenceContext
The session key 'S'.
s - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The password salt 's'.
S - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The shared session key 'S'.
ServerEvidenceRoutine - Interface in com.nimbusds.srp6
Custom routine interface for computing the server evidence message 'M2'.
serverEvidenceRoutine - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Custom routine for the server evidence message 'M2' computation.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Sets a session attribute.
setClientEvidenceRoutine(ClientEvidenceRoutine) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Sets a custom routine to compute the client evidence message 'M1'.
setHashedKeysRoutine(URoutine) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Sets a custom routine to compute hashed keys 'u' a 'H(A | B)'.
setServerEvidenceRoutine(ServerEvidenceRoutine) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Sets a custom routine to compute the server evidence message 'M2'.
setXRoutine(XRoutine) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Sets a custom routine for the password key 'x' computation.
setXRoutine(XRoutine) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Sets a custom routine for the password key 'x' computation.
SRP6Client - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6.cli
Interactive command-line client and verifier generator for Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication.
SRP6Client() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client
Creates a new SRP-6a command-line client and verifier generator.
SRP6Client.User - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6.cli
User identity 'I' and password 'P'.
SRP6Client.User(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Client.User
Creates a new user identity 'I' and 'P'.
SRP6ClientCredentials - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
The SRP-6a client credentials sent to the server at step two.
SRP6ClientCredentials(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientCredentials
Creates a new SRP-6a client credentials.
SRP6ClientEvidenceContext - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Immutable snapshot of the SRP-6a client session variables to be used in a ClientEvidenceRoutine.
SRP6ClientEvidenceContext(String, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
Creates a new immutable snapshot of SRP-6a client session variables.
SRP6ClientSession - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Stateful client-side Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication session.
SRP6ClientSession(int) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Creates a new client-side SRP-6a authentication session and sets its state to SRP6ClientSession.State.INIT.
SRP6ClientSession() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Creates a new client-side SRP-6a authentication session and sets its state to SRP6ClientSession.State.INIT.
SRP6ClientSession.State - Enum in com.nimbusds.srp6
Enumerates the states of a client-side SRP-6a authentication session.
SRP6CryptoParams - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
The crypto parameters for the SRP-6a protocol.
SRP6CryptoParams(BigInteger, BigInteger, String) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6CryptoParams
Creates a new SRP-6a crypto parameters instance.
SRP6Exception - Exception in com.nimbusds.srp6
Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) exception.
SRP6Exception(String, SRP6Exception.CauseType) - Constructor for exception com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Exception
Creates a new Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) exception with the specified message.
SRP6Exception.CauseType - Enum in com.nimbusds.srp6
SRP-6a exception causes.
SRP6Routines - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) routines for computing the various protocol variables and messages.
SRP6Server - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6.cli
Interactive command-line server for Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication.
SRP6Server() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Server
Creates a new SRP-6a command-line server.
SRP6ServerEvidenceContext - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Immutable snapshot of SRP-6a server session variables to be used in a ServerEvidenceRoutine.
SRP6ServerEvidenceContext(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerEvidenceContext
Creates a new immutable snapshot of SRP-6a server session variables.
SRP6ServerSession - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Stateful server-side Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication session.
SRP6ServerSession(SRP6CryptoParams, int) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Creates a new server-side SRP-6a authentication session and sets its state to SRP6ServerSession.State.INIT.
SRP6ServerSession(SRP6CryptoParams) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Creates a new server-side SRP-6a authentication session and sets its state to SRP6ServerSession.State.INIT.
SRP6ServerSession.State - Enum in com.nimbusds.srp6
Enumerates the states of a server-side SRP-6a authentication session.
SRP6Session - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
The base abstract class for client and server-side Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) authentication sessions.
SRP6Session(int) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Creates a new SRP-6a authentication session.
SRP6Session() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Creates a new SRP-6a authentication session, session timeouts are disabled.
SRP6Tool - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6.cli
The base abstract class for the interactive command-line SRP-6a tools.
SRP6Tool() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.cli.SRP6Tool
Creates a new SRP-6a command-line tool.
SRP6VerifierGenerator - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Generator of password verifier 'v' values.
SRP6VerifierGenerator(SRP6CryptoParams) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6VerifierGenerator
Creates a new generator of password verifier 'v' values.
step1(String, String) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Records the identity 'I' and password 'P' of the authenticating user.
step1(String, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Increments this SRP-6a authentication session to SRP6ServerSession.State.STEP_1.
step2(SRP6CryptoParams, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Receives the password salt 's' and public value 'B' from the server.
step2(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession
Increments this SRP-6a authentication session to SRP6ServerSession.State.STEP_2.
step3(BigInteger) - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession
Receives the server evidence message 'M1'.


timeout - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The SRP-6a authentication session timeout in seconds.
toHex(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.BigIntegerUtils
Encodes the specified big integer into a hex string.
toString() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.XRoutineWithUserIdentity
Returns a string representation of this routine algorithm.


u - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The random scrambling parameter 'u'.
updateLastActivityTime() - Method in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
Updates the last activity timestamp.
URoutine - Interface in com.nimbusds.srp6
Custom routine interface for computing 'u' as 'H(A | B)'.
URoutineContext - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Immutable snapshot of the SRP-6a client session variables to be used in a URoutine.
URoutineContext(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.URoutineContext
Creates a new immutable snapshot of SRP-6a client session variables to be used in a URoutine.
userID - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientEvidenceContext
The user identity 'I'.
userID - Variable in class com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Session
The identity 'I' of the authenticating user.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Exception.CauseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ClientSession.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6Exception.CauseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.nimbusds.srp6.SRP6ServerSession.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


XRoutine - Interface in com.nimbusds.srp6
Custom routine interface for computing the password key 'x'.
XRoutineWithUserIdentity - Class in com.nimbusds.srp6
Alternative routine for computing a password key x = H(s | H(I | ":" | P))
XRoutineWithUserIdentity() - Constructor for class com.nimbusds.srp6.XRoutineWithUserIdentity
A B C D F G H I K L M N P R S T U V X 

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