Uses of Interface

Packages that use Body

Uses of Body in com.ning.http.client

Subinterfaces of Body in com.ning.http.client
 interface RandomAccessBody
          A request body which supports random access to its contents.

Methods in com.ning.http.client that return Body
 Body BodyGenerator.createBody()
          Creates a new instance of the request body to be read.

Uses of Body in com.ning.http.client.generators

Classes in com.ning.http.client.generators that implement Body
protected  class ByteArrayBodyGenerator.ByteBody
protected static class FileBodyGenerator.FileBody
protected  class InputStreamBodyGenerator.ISBody

Methods in com.ning.http.client.generators that return Body
 Body InputStreamBodyGenerator.createBody()
          Creates a new instance of the request body to be read.
 Body ByteArrayBodyGenerator.createBody()
          Creates a new instance of the request body to be read.

Uses of Body in com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly

Methods in com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly that return Body
 Body FeedableBodyGenerator.createBody()

Uses of Body in com.ning.http.multipart

Classes in com.ning.http.multipart that implement Body
 class MultipartBody

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