Uses of Class

Packages that use ProxyServer

Uses of ProxyServer in com.ning.http.client

Fields in com.ning.http.client declared as ProxyServer
protected  ProxyServer AsyncHttpClientConfig.proxyServer

Methods in com.ning.http.client that return ProxyServer
 ProxyServer ProxyServer.addNonProxyHost(String uri)
 ProxyServer Request.getProxyServer()
          Return the ProxyServer
 ProxyServer PerRequestConfig.getProxyServer()
 ProxyServer AsyncHttpClientConfig.getProxyServer()
          An instance of ProxyServer used by an AsyncHttpClient
 ProxyServer ProxyServer.removeNonProxyHost(String uri)
 ProxyServer ProxyServer.setEncoding(String encoding)
 ProxyServer ProxyServer.setNtlmDomain(String ntlmDomain)

Methods in com.ning.http.client with parameters of type ProxyServer
 T RequestBuilderBase.setProxyServer(ProxyServer proxyServer)
 RequestBuilder RequestBuilder.setProxyServer(ProxyServer proxyServer)
 AsyncHttpClientConfigBean AsyncHttpClientConfigBean.setProxyServer(ProxyServer proxyServer)
 AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder.setProxyServer(ProxyServer proxyServer)
          Set an instance of ProxyServer used by an AsyncHttpClient

Constructors in com.ning.http.client with parameters of type ProxyServer
PerRequestConfig(ProxyServer proxyServer, int requestTimeoutInMs)

Uses of ProxyServer in com.ning.http.util

Methods in com.ning.http.util that return ProxyServer
static ProxyServer ProxyUtils.createProxy(Properties properties)
          Creates a proxy server instance from the given properties.

Methods in com.ning.http.util with parameters of type ProxyServer
static boolean ProxyUtils.avoidProxy(ProxyServer proxyServer, Request request)
          Checks whether proxy should be used according to nonProxyHosts settings of it, or we want to go directly to target host.
static boolean ProxyUtils.avoidProxy(ProxyServer proxyServer, String target)
          Checks whether proxy should be used according to nonProxyHosts settings of it, or we want to go directly to target host.
static String AuthenticatorUtils.computeBasicAuthentication(ProxyServer proxyServer)

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