Interface ListenableFuture<V>

Type Parameters:
V - Type of the value that will be returned.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractListenableFuture, ApacheResponseFuture, GrizzlyResponseFuture, JDKDelegateFuture, JDKFuture, NettyResponseFuture

public interface ListenableFuture<V>
extends Future<V>

Extended Future

Method Summary
 void abort(Throwable t)
          Abort the current processing, and propagate the Throwable to the AsyncHandler or Future
 ListenableFuture<V> addListener(Runnable listener, Executor exec)
          Adds a listener and executor to the ListenableFuture.
 void content(V v)
          Set the content that will be returned by this instance
 void done()
          Terminate and if there is no exception, mark this Future as done and release the internal lock.
 boolean getAndSetWriteBody(boolean writeBody)
          Write the Request body
 boolean getAndSetWriteHeaders(boolean writeHeader)
          Write the Request headers
 void touch()
          Touch the current instance to prevent external service to times out.
Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.Future
cancel, get, get, isCancelled, isDone

Method Detail


void done()
Terminate and if there is no exception, mark this Future as done and release the internal lock.

callable -


void abort(Throwable t)
Abort the current processing, and propagate the Throwable to the AsyncHandler or Future

t -


void content(V v)
Set the content that will be returned by this instance

v - the content that will be returned by this instance


void touch()
Touch the current instance to prevent external service to times out.


boolean getAndSetWriteHeaders(boolean writeHeader)
Write the Request headers


boolean getAndSetWriteBody(boolean writeBody)
Write the Request body


ListenableFuture<V> addListener(Runnable listener,
                                Executor exec)

Adds a listener and executor to the ListenableFuture. The listener will be passed to the executor for execution when the Future's computation is complete.

There is no guaranteed ordering of execution of listeners, they may get called in the order they were added and they may get called out of order, but any listener added through this method is guaranteed to be called once the computation is complete.

listener - the listener to run when the computation is complete.
exec - the executor to run the listener in.
this Future
NullPointerException - if the executor or listener was null.
RejectedExecutionException - if we tried to execute the listener immediately but the executor rejected it.

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