
Type members


enum Block

One block in a markdown file.

One block in a markdown file.

This is hugely simplified, because we really only care whether a block needs to go through the REPL or not. As a result, we only have two kinds of blocks: Repl (must be processed) or Other (must not be processed).

enum Modifier

Value members

Concrete methods

def load(source: Source): List[Block]
def load(lines: Iterator[String]): List[Block]

Parses the specified markdown file as a list of blocks.

Parses the specified markdown file as a list of blocks.

Note that saying this supports markdown is a bit of a stretch. We're simply looking for triple-backtick enclosed blocks with the expected label and ignoring everything else.

This is not meant to be pretty or even very stable: the point is to have something that replaces tut and works with Scala 3 up and running quickly. All of this code will be deprecated in a hurry.

def toString(blocks: List[Block]): String