
trait Health[F[_]]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class ConsulApi[F]
class ConsulClient[F]
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def getAllServiceInstances(service: String, dc: Option[String], near: Option[String], tag: Option[String], nodeMeta: Option[String], passing: Boolean, filter: Option[String], consistencyMode: ConsistencyMode, token: Option[String], cacheMode: CacheMode): F[Result[List[ServiceEntry]]]

GET /health/service/:service

GET /health/service/:service

Value parameters

  • Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Using this across datacenters is not recommended.
  • Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.
  • Specifies to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node. Passing ?near=_agent will use the agent's node for the sort. Passing ?near=_ip will use the source IP of the request or the value of the X-Forwarded-For header to lookup the node to use for the sort. If this is not present, the default behavior will shuffle the nodes randomly each time the query is executed.
  • Specifies a desired node metadata key/value pair of the form key:value. This parameter can be specified multiple times, and will filter the results to nodes with the specified key/value pairs. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.
  • Specifies that the server should return only nodes with all checks in the passing state. This can be used to avoid additional filtering on the client side.
  • Specifies the service to list services for. This is provided as part of the URL.
  • Specifies the tag to filter the list. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Can be used multiple times for additional filtering, returning only the results that include all of the tag values provided.
  • consul token


def getChecksByState(state: CheckStatus, dc: Option[String], near: Option[String], nodeMeta: Option[String], filter: Option[String], consistencyMode: ConsistencyMode, token: Option[String]): F[Result[List[HealthCheck]]]

GET /health/state/:state This endpoint returns the checks in the state provided on the path.

GET /health/state/:state This endpoint returns the checks in the state provided on the path.

Value parameters

  • Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Using this across datacenters is not recommended.
  • Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.
  • Specifies to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node. Passing ?near=_agent will use the agent's node for the sort. Passing ?near=_ip will use the source IP of the request or the value of the X-Forwarded-For header to lookup the node to use for the sort. If this is not present, the default behavior will shuffle the nodes randomly each time the query is executed.
  • Specifies a desired node metadata key/value pair of the form key:value. This parameter can be specified multiple times, and will filter the results to nodes with the specified key/value pairs. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.
  • Specifies the state to query. Supported states are any, passing, warning, or critical. The any state is a wildcard that can be used to return all checks.
  • consul token


def getHealthyServiceInstances(service: String, dc: Option[String], near: Option[String], tag: Option[String], nodeMeta: Option[String], filter: Option[String], consistencyMode: ConsistencyMode, token: Option[String], cacheMode: CacheMode): F[Result[List[ServiceEntry]]]

Get healthy service instances. For additional info see Health.getAllServiceInstances

Get healthy service instances. For additional info see Health.getAllServiceInstances


def getNodeChecks(node: String, dc: Option[String], filter: Option[String], consistencyMode: ConsistencyMode, token: Option[String]): F[Result[List[HealthCheck]]]

GET /health/node/:node This endpoint returns the checks specific to the node provided on the path.

GET /health/node/:node This endpoint returns the checks specific to the node provided on the path.

Value parameters

  • Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Using this across datacenters is not recommended.
  • Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.
  • Specifies the name or ID of the node to query. This is specified as part of the URL
  • consul token


  • checks specific to the node provided on the path.
def getNodesForConnectCapableService(service: String, dc: Option[String], near: Option[String], tag: Option[String], nodeMeta: Option[String], passing: Boolean, filter: Option[String], token: Option[String]): F[Result[List[ServiceEntry]]]

GET /health/connect/:service This endpoint returns the nodes providing a Connect-capable service in a given datacenter. This will include both proxies and native integrations.

GET /health/connect/:service This endpoint returns the nodes providing a Connect-capable service in a given datacenter. This will include both proxies and native integrations.

Value parameters

  • Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Using this across datacenters is not recommended.
  • Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.
  • Specifies to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node. Passing ?near=_agent will use the agent's node for the sort. Passing ?near=_ip will use the source IP of the request or the value of the X-Forwarded-For header to lookup the node to use for the sort. If this is not present, the default behavior will shuffle the nodes randomly each time the query is executed.
  • Specifies a desired node metadata key/value pair of the form key:value. This parameter can be specified multiple times, and will filter the results to nodes with the specified key/value pairs. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.
  • Specifies that the server should return only nodes with all checks in the passing state. This can be used to avoid additional filtering on the client side.
  • Specifies the tag to filter the list. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Can be used multiple times for additional filtering, returning only the results that include all of the tag values provided.
  • consul token


def getServiceChecks(service: String, dc: Option[String], near: Option[String], nodeMeta: Option[String], filter: Option[String], consistencyMode: ConsistencyMode, token: Option[String]): F[Result[List[HealthCheck]]]

GET /health/checks/:service This endpoint returns the checks associated with the service provided on the path.

GET /health/checks/:service This endpoint returns the checks associated with the service provided on the path.

Value parameters

  • Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter. Using this across datacenters is not recommended.
  • Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.
  • Specifies to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node. Passing ?near=_agent will use the agent's node for the sort. Passing ?near=_ip will use the source IP of the request or the value of the X-Forwarded-For header to lookup the node to use for the sort. If this is not present, the default behavior will shuffle the nodes randomly each time the query is executed.
  • Specifies a desired node metadata key/value pair of the form key:value. This parameter can be specified multiple times, and will filter the results to nodes with the specified key/value pairs. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.
  • Specifies the service to list checks for. This is provided as part of the URL.
  • consul token


  • checks associated with the service provided on the path.