
Type members


trait Collection extends Support
class DocumentCollection[D <: Document[D]](val graph: Graph, val arangoCollection: ArangoDBCollection, val model: DocumentModel[D], `type`: CollectionType) extends WritableCollection[D]
class DocumentCollectionQuery[D <: Document[D]](collection: DocumentCollection[D]) extends QueryBuilder[D] with DocumentQuery[D]
trait DocumentQuery[D <: Document[D]]
class EdgeCollection[E <: Edge[E, From, To], From, To](graph: Graph, arangoDBCollection: ArangoDBCollection, edgeModel: EdgeModel[E, From, To]) extends DocumentCollection[E]
case class ProcessStats(records: Int, inserted: Int, upserted: Int, deleted: Int)
class QueryBuilder[R](graph: Graph, query: Query, converter: Value => R)
trait ReadableCollection[D <: Document[D]] extends Collection
trait WritableCollection[D <: Document[D]] extends ReadableCollection[D] with ArangoDBDocuments[D]