
class Graph(val db: ArangoDB)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class AppliedUpgrades(labels: Set[String])

Value members


def this(name: String, server: ArangoDBServer)
def this(name: String, config: ArangoDBConfig)
def this(name: String)

Concrete methods

protected def afterStartup(upgrades: List[DatabaseUpgrade]): IO[Unit]
def collections: List[DocumentCollection[_ <: Document[_]]]
def databaseName: String
protected def doUpgrades(allUpgrades: List[DatabaseUpgrade], upgrades: List[DatabaseUpgrade], stillBlocking: Boolean, appliedUpgrades: Set[String]): IO[Unit]
def drop(): IO[Boolean]
def edge[E <: Edge[LazyRef(...), From, To], From, To](model: EdgeModel[E, From, To]): EdgeCollection[E, From, To]
def execute(query: Query): IO[Unit]

Executes the query ignoring the result. Useful for queries that modify data but don't return anything useful.

Executes the query ignoring the result. Useful for queries that modify data but don't return anything useful.

def init(createDatabase: Boolean): IO[Unit]
def initialized: Boolean
protected def initted[Return](f: => Return): Return
def keyStore(collectionName: String): DatabaseStore
def query[T](query: Query)(implicit rw: ReaderWriter[T]): QueryBuilder[T]

Creates a QueryBuilder[T] to manage execution of the supplied query.

Creates a QueryBuilder[T] to manage execution of the supplied query.

Type parameters:

the type of results

Value parameters:

the query to create the builder for



def query[T](query: Query, converter: Json => T): QueryBuilder[T]
def shutdown(): IO[Unit]
protected def storeCollectionName: String
def truncate(): IO[Unit]
def vertex[D <: Document[LazyRef(...)]](model: DocumentModel[D]): DocumentCollection[D]
def view(name: String, links: List[ViewLink], primarySort: List[Sort], primarySortCompression: SortCompression, consolidationInterval: FiniteDuration, commitInterval: FiniteDuration, cleanupIntervalStep: Int, consolidationPolicy: ConsolidationPolicy): View
def views: List[View]