
LogModifier is attached to Logger instances in order to manipulate LogRecords, before they are handled by a LogHandler.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[M](record: LogRecord[M]): Option[LogRecord[M]]

Handles modification of a LogRecord

Handles modification of a LogRecord

Type Params

the type of message

Value Params

the record to modify


Some LogRecord that should continue to propagate or None if the logging action should be canceled

def id: String

Represents a unique identifier for this type of modifier. This is used when adding a LogModifier to a Logger to replace by type.

Represents a unique identifier for this type of modifier. This is used when adding a LogModifier to a Logger to replace by type.

Multiple LogModifiers attached to the same Logger are automatically sorted by Priority.

Multiple LogModifiers attached to the same Logger are automatically sorted by Priority.

def withId(id: String): LogModifier

Concrete methods