
trait Timer[F[_]]

A generic timer for measuring short duration event latencies

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class FTimer[F]

Value members

Abstract methods

def count: F[Long]

Get the current event count for this timer

Get the current event count for this timer


an effect evaluating to the current event count of the timer

def record(d: FiniteDuration): F[Unit]

Record a timing against this timer

Record a timing against this timer

Value parameters:

the amount of time to record

def start: F[Sample[F]]

Start recording a timing

Start recording a timing


an effect evaluating to a Sample instance that can be used to stop recording

def wrap[A](f: F[A]): F[A]

Wrap an effect evaluation in a timer, timing the latency of evaluating the resulting effect

Wrap an effect evaluation in a timer, timing the latency of evaluating the resulting effect

Value parameters:

an effect to be timed


a timer-wrapped effect