
object syntax
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


implicit class KleisliSyntax[F[_], A, B](a: Kleisli[[_] =>> OptionT[F, _$2], A, B])(implicit evidence$1: Monad[F])

Given an A => F[Option[B]] and an A => F[B] run the first function and if it returns F[None] then fall through to the second function. This is useful for composing HttpRoutes[F] with HttpApp[F]

Given an A => F[Option[B]] and an A => F[B] run the first function and if it returns F[None] then fall through to the second function. This is useful for composing HttpRoutes[F] with HttpApp[F]



final implicit def KleisliSyntax[F[_] : Monad, A, B](a: Kleisli[[_] =>> OptionT[F, _$2], A, B]): KleisliSyntax[F, A, B]

Given an A => F[Option[B]] and an A => F[B] run the first function and if it returns F[None] then fall through to the second function. This is useful for composing HttpRoutes[F] with HttpApp[F]

Given an A => F[Option[B]] and an A => F[B] run the first function and if it returns F[None] then fall through to the second function. This is useful for composing HttpRoutes[F] with HttpApp[F]