
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_] : Monad](logger: StructuredLogger[F], kernelMdc: Kernel => Map[String, String]): StructuredLogger[F]

Given a StructuredLogger wrap it into a new StructuredLogger that extracts a trace_id and span_id from the Natchez Kernel and adds it to the MDC

Given a StructuredLogger wrap it into a new StructuredLogger that extracts a trace_id and span_id from the Natchez Kernel and adds it to the MDC

def lift[F[_] : Sync](logger: StructuredLogger[F], kernelMdc: Kernel => Map[String, String]): StructuredLogger[[_] =>> Kleisli[F, Span[F], _$4]]

Given a structured logger in some type F which does not have a trace instance lift the logger into a Kleisli (so it then has a trace instance) and wrap it

Given a structured logger in some type F which does not have a trace instance lift the logger into a Kleisli (so it then has a trace instance) and wrap it