


package vulcan

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class AvroDoc extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation which can be used to include documentation in derived Avro Schemas.

    Annotation which can be used to include documentation in derived Avro Schemas. The annotation can be used in the following situations.

    - Annotate a type for enum documentation when using Codec#deriveEnum.
    - Annotate a case class for record documentation when using Codec#derive.
    - Annotate a case class parameter for record field documentation when using Codec#derive.

  2. sealed abstract class AvroError extends AnyRef

    Error which occurred while using Codec to generate an Avro Schema, or while encoding or decoding.

    Error which occurred while using Codec to generate an Avro Schema, or while encoding or decoding. A new instance can be created with AvroError#apply. We can use AvroError#message to fetch the message.

  3. final class AvroNamespace extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotation which can be used to set the namespace in derived Avro Schemas.

    Annotation which can be used to set the namespace in derived Avro Schemas. The annotation can be used in the following situations.

    - Annotate a type for enum namespace when using Codec#deriveEnum.
    - Annotate a case class for record namespace when using Codec#derive.

  4. sealed abstract class Codec[A] extends AnyRef

    Describes encoding from a type A to Java Avro using encode, decoding from a Java Avro type to A using decode, and the Avro schema used in the process as schema.

Value Members

  1. object AvroError
  2. object Codec
