

package hammock

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. hammock
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit class AsSyntaxOnHttpF[F[_], A] extends AnyRef
  2. trait Codec[A] extends Encoder[A] with Decoder[A] with Serializable
  3. class CodecException extends Throwable
  4. trait ContentType extends AnyRef
  5. trait Decoder[A] extends Serializable
  6. final case class Delete(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  7. trait Encoder[A] extends Serializable
  8. sealed trait Entity extends AnyRef
  9. final case class Get(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  10. type HammockF[A] = EitherK[HttpF, MarshallF, A]
  11. implicit class HammockFSyntax[A] extends AnyRef
  12. final case class Head(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed trait HttpF[A] extends AnyRef
  14. case class HttpRequest(uri: Uri, headers: Map[String, String], entity: Option[Entity]) extends Product with Serializable
  15. class HttpRequestC[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  16. implicit class HttpRequestIOSyntax[A] extends AnyRef
  17. case class HttpResponse(status: Status, headers: Map[String, String], entity: Entity) extends Product with Serializable
  18. trait InterpTrans[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  19. trait Method extends AnyRef
  20. final case class Options(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  21. final case class Patch(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  22. final case class Post(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class Put(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  24. case class Status(code: Int, text: String, description: String) extends Product with Serializable
  25. final case class Trace(req: HttpRequest) extends HttpF[HttpResponse] with Product with Serializable
  26. case class Uri(scheme: Option[Scheme] = None, authority: Option[Authority] = None, path: String = "", query: Map[String, String] = Map(), fragment: Option[Fragment] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a HttpRequest URI.

    Represents a HttpRequest URI.

    You have several different options for constructing Uri:

    scala> val uri1 = uri"http://google.com"
    uri1: hammock.Uri = Uri(Some(http),None,google.com,Map(),None)
    scala> val uri2 = Uri(None, None, "path", Map(), None)
    uri2: hammock.Uri = Uri(None,None,path,Map(),None)
    scala> val uri3 = Uri.fromString("http://google.com")
    uri3: Either[String,hammock.Uri] = Right(Uri(Some(http),None,google.com,Map(),None))

    scheme of the uri. For example https


    authority of the uri. For example: user:[email protected]:443


    path of the uri. For example /books/234


    query string of the uri. For example ?page=3&utm_source=campaign


    fragment of the uri. For example #header1

  27. implicit final class UriQueryInitBuilder extends AnyVal
  28. implicit final class UriQueryParamsBuilder extends AnyVal

    Methods providing URI query parameters building syntax Used in Uri.? method

  29. implicit class UriStringContext extends AnyRef

    Unsafe string interpolator allowing uri parsing.

    Unsafe string interpolator allowing uri parsing. It's unsafe because in case of any error happen (a Left is returned by the fromString method), it will throw an exception.

    scala> uri"http://user:[email protected]/path?page=4#index"
    res1: hammock.Uri = Uri(Some(http),Some(user:pass),pepegar.com/path,Map(page -> 4),Some(index))

Value Members

  1. implicit val embedString: Embedder[(UriContext.type, UriContext.type), String, Input, UriInterpolator.type]
  2. implicit def hammockNT[F[_]](implicit arg0: Sync[F], H: InterpTrans[F], M: ~>[MarshallF, F]): ~>[HammockF, F]
  3. object Codec extends Serializable
  4. object CodecException extends Serializable
  5. object ContentType
  6. object Decoder extends Serializable
  7. object Encoder extends Serializable
  8. object Entity
  9. object Hammock
  10. object HttpRequest extends Serializable
  11. object HttpRequestC
  12. object HttpResponse extends Serializable
  13. object Method
  14. object Ops
  15. object Status extends Serializable
  16. object Uri extends Serializable
  17. object UriContext extends Context
  18. object UriInterpolator extends Interpolator
  19. object marshalling

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
