
See theTokenProvider companion trait
object TokenProvider


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


final class CachedBuilder[F[_]]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: TokenProvider[F]): TokenProvider[F]
def cached[F[_] : Temporal]: CachedBuilder[F]

Transforms a TokenProvider in a cached version of itself that automatically refreshes the token given its expiration.

Transforms a TokenProvider in a cached version of itself that automatically refreshes the token given its expiration.


def const[F[_] : Applicative](token: AccessToken): TokenProvider[F]
def create[F[_]](fa: F[AccessToken]): TokenProvider[F]
def identity[F[_] : Clock](httpClient: Client[F], audience: Uri): TokenProvider[F]

Retrieves an identity token using Google's metadata server for a specific audience.

Retrieves an identity token using Google's metadata server for a specific audience.

Identity tokens can be used for calling Cloud Run services.

'''Important!''' This method can only be run from within a workload container in GCP. The call will fail otherwise.


See also
def serviceAccount[F[_] : Concurrent](httpClient: Client[F]): TokenProvider[F]

Retrieves a workload service account token using Google's metadata server.

Retrieves a workload service account token using Google's metadata server.

You can then user the service account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...

'''Important!''' This method can only be run from within a workload container in GCP. The call will fail otherwise.


See also
def serviceAccount[F[_] : Async](serviceAccountPath: Path, scope: List[String], httpClient: Client[F]): F[TokenProvider[F]]

Retrieves a service account token from Google's OAuth API.

Retrieves a service account token from Google's OAuth API.

You can then user the service account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...


See also
def serviceAccount[F[_] : Async](clientEmail: ClientEmail, privateKey: RSAPrivateKey, scope: List[String], httpClient: Client[F]): TokenProvider[F]

Retrieves a service account token from Google's OAuth API.

Retrieves a service account token from Google's OAuth API.

You can then user the service account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...


See also
def userAccount[F[_] : Files](clientSecretsPath: Path, refreshTokenPath: Path, httpClient: Client[F]): F[TokenProvider[F]]

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API.

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API.

You can then user the user account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...


See also
def userAccount[F[_] : Concurrent](clientId: ClientId, clientSecret: ClientSecret, refreshToken: RefreshToken, httpClient: Client[F]): TokenProvider[F]

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API.

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API.

You can then user the user account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...


See also
def userAccount[F[_] : Concurrent](httpClient: Client[F]): F[TokenProvider[F]]

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API using the "Application Default Credentials" file.

Retrieves a user account token from Google's OAuth API using the "Application Default Credentials" file.

By default this file is located under ~/.config/cloud/application_default_credentials.json (or %AppData%/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json if running on Windows) and can be created using gcloud auth application-default login or set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to override to another path.

You can then user the user account token to send authenticated requests to GCP services, such as Vertex-AI, Google Cloud Storage...


See also

Concrete fields

Suitable safety period for an token from the instance metadata.

Suitable safety period for an token from the instance metadata.

The GCP metadata endpoint caches tokens for 5 minutes until their expiry. The value here (4 minutes) should ensure a new token will be provided and have no risk of requests using an expired token.


See also