
object Labelled
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Aux[F[_], A, B, M[_[_], _, _]] = Labelled[F, B] { type Metric = M[F, A, (B, Status)]; }

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromCounter[F[_] : MonadCancelThrow, A, B](counter: Labelled[F, A, (B, Status)]): Aux[F, A, B, Labelled]

Create an OutcomeRecorder from a Counter.Labelled instance, where its labels type is a tuple of the original labels of the counter and Status.

Create an OutcomeRecorder from a Counter.Labelled instance, where its labels type is a tuple of the original labels of the counter and Status.

This works by incrementing a counter with a label value that corresponds to the value Status on each invocation.

The best way to construct a counter based OutcomeRecorder is to use the .asOutcomeRecorder on the counter DSL provided by MetricFactory.


an OutcomeRecorder.Labelled.Aux that is annotated with the type of underlying metric, in this case Counter.Labelled

def fromGauge[F[_] : MonadCancelThrow, A, B](gauge: Labelled[F, A, (B, Status)]): Aux[F, A, B, Labelled]

Create an OutcomeRecorder from a Gauge.Labelled instance, where its only label type is a tuple of the original labels of the counter and Status.

Create an OutcomeRecorder from a Gauge.Labelled instance, where its only label type is a tuple of the original labels of the counter and Status.

This works by setting gauge with a label value that corresponds to the value of Status to 1 on each invocation, while the other statuses are set to 0.

The best way to construct a gauge based OutcomeRecorder is to use the .asOutcomeRecorder on the gauge DSL provided by MetricFactory.


an OutcomeRecorder.Labelled.Aux that is annotated with the type of underlying metric, in this case Gauge.Labelled




implicit def labelsContravariant[F[_]]: LabelsContravariant[[_] =>> Labelled[F, _$20]]