



package authorize

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AuthProfile[+U] extends AnyRef
  2. final case class AuthorizeCode(v: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    OAuth 2.0 authorize code.

  3. sealed abstract class AuthorizeRequest extends AnyRef

    Authorize request

    Authorize request

    Since OAuth 2.1, PKCE verification is mandatory.

  4. trait AuthorizeState[+U] extends AuthProfile[U]

    Authorize request

    Authorize request

    responseType (Required) Response type. Must be either code or token. Alternatively, the response type registered in the response type registory can be used. clientId (Required) Authorized app client id. scopes (Optional) Requested grant scopes. codeChallenge (optional) This is the challenge code that is checked during the access token request. In the case of S256, send the hashed arbitrary string to the authorization endpoint and the pre-hashed arbitrary string to the token endpoint. state (Optional) An arbitrary string. A property to be received by the authorization endpoint and responded to during the authorization completion redirect to verify the hijacking on the client side. redirectUri (optional) The redirect URI to which the authorization code will be sent, which must be exactly the same as the one specified at the time of the authorization request, regardless of whether it is directly consistent with the redirected destination of the authenticated Application. Therefore, it must be possible to fully recover the redirect_uri from the authorization code issued at the time of the authorization request.

    Translated with (free version)

  5. case class CodeChallenge extends Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait ResponseType extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AuthorizeRequest
  2. object CodeChallenge extends Serializable
  3. object ResponseType
