Interface NarrativeContainer

    • Method Detail

      • narrative

        Narrative narrative()
        Parses the field content into a narrative model.
        the content parsed into a Narrative or an empty Narrative it the field is not well-formed
      • appendLine

        NarrativeContainer appendLine​(java.lang.String line)
        Appends a line of content to this field.

        The parameter line is added to the current value without restrictions or validation. This method is intended for use cases when the internal structure of the field is well-known and you are confident of the content that is added has valid line formats for the specific field.

        line - a properly formatted line of content such as "/NAME/Joe Doe"
        this field
      • setNarrative

        NarrativeContainer setNarrative​(Narrative narrative)
        Sets or overrides this field value serializing the content of the structured narrative provided by parameter.
        narrative - a narrative instance
        this field
        See Also: