Class SwiftBlock2Output

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SwiftBlock2Output
    extends SwiftBlock2
    Base class for SWIFT Application Header Block (block 2) for OUTPUT (from SWIFT).
    This block is used to construct messages that have been output from the SWIFT network. From the application point of view, it correspond to the RECEIVED messages.

    It's value is fixed-length and continuous with no field delimiters. This class contains its elements as individual attributes for easier management of the block value.

    For a received message, a message being output from SWIFT, the SwiftBlock2Output includes explicit information regarding the MIR. This is sometimes confusing because it is an output block with an input reference. The important thing to understand here is that the MIR information is related to the original sender of the message that has been received. The attributes of this header (block 2 output) are explicitly documented as MIR information by SWIFT.

    The MOR itself could be created combining information from block 1 and 2 but it usually does not make sense.

    See Also:
    MIR, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default Constructor
      SwiftBlock2Output​(SwiftBlock2Output block)
      Copy constructor
      SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String value)
      Creates the block with lenient false, meaning it expects a fixed length value.
      SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String value, boolean lenient)
      Creates a block 2 output object setting attributes by parsing the string argument containing the blocks value.
      SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String messageType, java.lang.String senderInputTime, java.lang.String MIRDate, java.lang.String MIRLogicalTerminal, java.lang.String MIRSessionNumber, java.lang.String MIRSequenceNumber, java.lang.String receiverOutputDate, java.lang.String receiverOutputTime, java.lang.String messagePriority)
      Constructor for specific values
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
      java.lang.String field​(SwiftBlock2OutputField field)
      Generic getter for block attributes based on qualified names from SwiftBlock2OutputField
      static SwiftBlock2Output fromJson​(java.lang.String json)
      This method deserializes the JSON data into an incoming (output) block 2 object.
      java.lang.String getBlockValue()
      This method should be overwritten by subclasses, calling this method will throw a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
      java.lang.String getMIR()
      Gets the full MIR (Message Input Reference) string of 28 characters containing the sender's date, LT address, session and sequence:
      for example YYMMDDBANKBEBBAXXX2222123456
      java.lang.String getMIRDate()
      Gets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field, in the format YYMMDD
      java.lang.String getMIRLogicalTerminal()
      Gets the the full LT address of the sender of the message, from the MIR field, for example: BANKBEBBAXXX
      java.lang.String getMIRSequenceNumber()
      Gets the date the sender sequence number, from the MIR field, in the format NNNNNN
      java.lang.String getMIRSessionNumber()
      Gets the date the sender session number, from the MIR field, in the format NNNN
      java.lang.String getReceiverOutputDate()
      Gets the Output date local to the receiver
      java.lang.String getReceiverOutputTime()
      Gets the Output time local to the receiver, written in the following format: HHMM
      BIC getSenderBIC()
      Gets the sender's BIC code.
      For output message the sender address is contained in this block2 and not in the header block 1 as for input messages.
      java.lang.String getSenderInputTime()
      Returns the input time with respect to the sender
      java.lang.String getValue()
      Gets the fixed length block 2 value, as a result of concatenating its individual elements as follow:
      Message Type + Sender Input Time + MIR + Receiver Output Date + Receiver Output Time + Message Priority.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isEmpty()
      Tell if this block is empty or not.
      void setBlockValue​(java.lang.String value)
      This method should be overwritten by subclasses, calling this method will throw a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
      void setField​(SwiftBlock2OutputField field, java.lang.String value)
      Generic setter for block attributes based on qualified names from SwiftBlock2OutputField
      void setMIR​(java.lang.String mir)
      Sets the full MIR (Message Input Reference) from a fixed length (28 characters) string containing the complete MIR value.
      void setMIR​(java.lang.String mir, boolean lenient)
      Sets the MIR (Message Input Reference) attributes by parsing the string argument containing the complete MIR value.
      For example YYMMDDBANKBEBBAXXX2222123456
      void setMIRDate​(java.lang.String MIRDate)
      Sets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field
      void setMIRDate​(java.util.Calendar cal)
      Sets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field
      void setMIRLogicalTerminal​(LogicalTerminalAddress MIRLogicalTerminal)
      Sets the the full LT address of the sender of the message.
      void setMIRLogicalTerminal​(java.lang.String MIRLogicalTerminal)
      Sets the the full LT address of the sender of the message.
      void setMIRSequenceNumber​(java.lang.String MIRSequenceNumber)
      Sets the sequence number field of the MIR
      void setMIRSessionNumber​(java.lang.String MIRSessionNumber)
      Sets the session number field of the MIR
      void setReceiverOutputDate​(java.lang.String receiverOutputDate)
      Sets the Output date local to the receiver, written in the following format: YYMMDD
      void setReceiverOutputDateTime​(java.util.Calendar cal)
      Sets the receiver output date and receiver output time fields from a Calendar
      void setReceiverOutputTime​(java.lang.String receiverOutputTime)
      Sets the Output time local to the receiver, written in the following format: HHMM
      void setSender​(BIC bic)
      Creates a full LT address using the parameter BIC code and a default LT identifier, and sets the resulting address as MIR logical terminal address.
      void setSender​(java.lang.String sender)
      Completes if necessary and sets the LT address of the sender as MIR logical terminal address.
      The sender addresses will be filled with proper default LT identifier and branch codes if not provided.
      void setSenderInputTime​(java.lang.String senderInputTime)
      Sets the input time with respect to the sender
      void setValue​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the block's attributes by parsing the fixed length string argument.
      void setValue​(java.lang.String value, boolean lenient)
      Sets the block's attributes by parsing the string argument containing the blocks value.
      This value can be in different flavors because some fields are optional.
      Example of supported values:
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SwiftBlock2Output

        public SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String messageType,
                                 java.lang.String senderInputTime,
                                 java.lang.String MIRDate,
                                 java.lang.String MIRLogicalTerminal,
                                 java.lang.String MIRSessionNumber,
                                 java.lang.String MIRSequenceNumber,
                                 java.lang.String receiverOutputDate,
                                 java.lang.String receiverOutputTime,
                                 java.lang.String messagePriority)
        Constructor for specific values
        messageType - the message type
        senderInputTime - the input time
        MIRDate - date
        MIRLogicalTerminal - logical terminal
        MIRSessionNumber - session number
        MIRSequenceNumber - message sequence number
        receiverOutputDate - receiver date
        receiverOutputTime - receiver time
        messagePriority - the message priority (S=system, U=urgent, N=normal)
      • SwiftBlock2Output

        public SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String value)
        Creates the block with lenient false, meaning it expects a fixed length value. Example of supported values:
        "O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201N" or "2:O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201N"
        value - a fixed length string of 46 (starting with 'O') or 49 (starting with '2:O') characters containing the blocks value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parameter is not 47 or 49 characters
        See Also:
        SwiftBlock2Output(String, boolean)
      • SwiftBlock2Output

        public SwiftBlock2Output​(java.lang.String value,
                                 boolean lenient)
        Creates a block 2 output object setting attributes by parsing the string argument containing the blocks value. This value can be in different flavors because some fields are optional.
        value - string containing the entire blocks value
        lenient - if true the value will be parsed with a best effort heuristic, if false it will throw a IllegalArgumentException if the value has an invalid total size
        See Also:
        setValue(String, boolean)
      • SwiftBlock2Output

        public SwiftBlock2Output()
        Default Constructor
      • SwiftBlock2Output

        public SwiftBlock2Output​(SwiftBlock2Output block)
        Copy constructor
        block - an existing block2 to copy
    • Method Detail

      • fromJson

        public static SwiftBlock2Output fromJson​(java.lang.String json)
        This method deserializes the JSON data into an incoming (output) block 2 object.
        See Also:
      • getSenderInputTime

        public java.lang.String getSenderInputTime()
        Returns the input time with respect to the sender
        4 numbers HHMM
      • setSenderInputTime

        public void setSenderInputTime​(java.lang.String senderInputTime)
        Sets the input time with respect to the sender
        senderInputTime - 4 numbers HHMM
      • getMIRDate

        public java.lang.String getMIRDate()
        Gets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field, in the format YYMMDD
        String with 6 numbers
      • setMIRDate

        public void setMIRDate​(java.lang.String MIRDate)
        Sets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field
        MIRDate - 6 numbers with date in format YYMMDD
      • setMIRDate

        public void setMIRDate​(java.util.Calendar cal)
        Sets the date the sender sent the message to SWIFT, from the MIR field
        cal - the calendar to format date from
      • setSender

        public void setSender​(BIC bic)
        Creates a full LT address using the parameter BIC code and a default LT identifier, and sets the resulting address as MIR logical terminal address.
        See Also:
      • setSender

        public void setSender​(java.lang.String sender)
        Completes if necessary and sets the LT address of the sender as MIR logical terminal address.
        The sender addresses will be filled with proper default LT identifier and branch codes if not provided.
        See Also:
      • getMIRLogicalTerminal

        public java.lang.String getMIRLogicalTerminal()
        Gets the the full LT address of the sender of the message, from the MIR field, for example: BANKBEBBAXXX
        LT address
      • setMIRLogicalTerminal

        public void setMIRLogicalTerminal​(java.lang.String MIRLogicalTerminal)
        Sets the the full LT address of the sender of the message.
        MIRLogicalTerminal - 12 characters full LT address
      • getSenderBIC

        public BIC getSenderBIC()
        Gets the sender's BIC code.
        For output message the sender address is contained in this block2 and not in the header block 1 as for input messages.
        sender BIC address
        See Also:
      • getMIRSessionNumber

        public java.lang.String getMIRSessionNumber()
        Gets the date the sender session number, from the MIR field, in the format NNNN
        4 numbers
      • setMIRSessionNumber

        public void setMIRSessionNumber​(java.lang.String MIRSessionNumber)
        Sets the session number field of the MIR
        MIRSessionNumber - 4 numbers
      • getMIRSequenceNumber

        public java.lang.String getMIRSequenceNumber()
        Gets the date the sender sequence number, from the MIR field, in the format NNNNNN
        6 numbers
      • setMIRSequenceNumber

        public void setMIRSequenceNumber​(java.lang.String MIRSequenceNumber)
        Sets the sequence number field of the MIR
        MIRSequenceNumber - 6 numbers
      • getMIR

        public java.lang.String getMIR()
        Gets the full MIR (Message Input Reference) string of 28 characters containing the sender's date, LT address, session and sequence:
        for example YYMMDDBANKBEBBAXXX2222123456
        a String with MIR, returns null if all MIR components are null
      • setMIR

        public void setMIR​(java.lang.String mir)
        Sets the full MIR (Message Input Reference) from a fixed length (28 characters) string containing the complete MIR value.
        mir - complete MIR string value, a fixed length (28 characters) string containing the MIR value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parameter has an invalid total size.
        See Also:
        setMIR(String, boolean)
      • setMIR

        public void setMIR​(java.lang.String mir,
                           boolean lenient)
        Sets the MIR (Message Input Reference) attributes by parsing the string argument containing the complete MIR value.
        For example YYMMDDBANKBEBBAXXX2222123456
        mir - complete MIR string
        lenient - if true the value will be parsed with a best effort heuristic, if false it will throw a IllegalArgumentException if the value has an invalid total size
      • getReceiverOutputDate

        public java.lang.String getReceiverOutputDate()
        Gets the Output date local to the receiver
        6 characters in format YYMMDD
      • setReceiverOutputDate

        public void setReceiverOutputDate​(java.lang.String receiverOutputDate)
        Sets the Output date local to the receiver, written in the following format: YYMMDD
        receiverOutputDate - 6 characters in format YYMMDD
      • getReceiverOutputTime

        public java.lang.String getReceiverOutputTime()
        Gets the Output time local to the receiver, written in the following format: HHMM
        String with 4 numbers
      • setReceiverOutputTime

        public void setReceiverOutputTime​(java.lang.String receiverOutputTime)
        Sets the Output time local to the receiver, written in the following format: HHMM
        receiverOutputTime - String with 4 numbers
      • setReceiverOutputDateTime

        public void setReceiverOutputDateTime​(java.util.Calendar cal)
        Sets the receiver output date and receiver output time fields from a Calendar
        cal - the calendar to format date and time from
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Tell if this block is empty or not. This block is considered to be empty if all its attributes are set to null.
        isEmpty in class SwiftValueBlock
        true if all fields are null and false in other case
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Gets the fixed length block 2 value, as a result of concatenating its individual elements as follow:
        Message Type + Sender Input Time + MIR + Receiver Output Date + Receiver Output Time + Message Priority.
        getValue in class SwiftValueBlock
        the blocks value as a single string
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the block's attributes by parsing the fixed length string argument.
        setValue in class SwiftValueBlock
        value - a fixed length (between 46 and 49) string containing the blocks' value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parameter has an invalid total size.
        See Also:
        setValue(String, boolean)
      • getBlockValue

        public java.lang.String getBlockValue()
        Description copied from class: SwiftValueBlock
        This method should be overwritten by subclasses, calling this method will throw a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        getBlockValue in class SwiftValueBlock
        See Also:
      • setBlockValue

        public void setBlockValue​(java.lang.String value)
        Description copied from class: SwiftValueBlock
        This method should be overwritten by subclasses, calling this method will throw a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        setBlockValue in class SwiftValueBlock
        value - unused
        See Also:
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String value,
                             boolean lenient)
        Sets the block's attributes by parsing the string argument containing the blocks value.
        This value can be in different flavors because some fields are optional.
        Example of supported values:
           "O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201" (46) or
           "2:O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201" (48)   // used for service/system messages
           "O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201N" (47) or
           "2:O1001200970103BANKBEBBAXXX22221234569701031201N" (49)

        value - string containing the entire blocks value
        lenient - if true the value will be parsed with a best effort heuristic, if false it will throw a IllegalArgumentException if the value has an invalid total size
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class SwiftBlock2
      • field

        public java.lang.String field​(SwiftBlock2OutputField field)
        Generic getter for block attributes based on qualified names from SwiftBlock2OutputField
        field - field to get
        field value or null if attribute is not set
      • setField

        public void setField​(SwiftBlock2OutputField field,
                             java.lang.String value)
        Generic setter for block attributes based on qualified names from SwiftBlock2OutputField
        field - field to get
        value - content to set