
Type members


class DistinctSignal[A](val parent: Signal[A], isSame: (Try[A], Try[A]) => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean) extends SingleParentSignal[A, A]

Emits only values that are distinct from the last emitted value, according to isSame function

Emits only values that are distinct from the last emitted value, according to isSame function

class DistinctStream[A](val parent: EventStream[A], isSame: (Try[A], Try[A]) => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean) extends SingleParentStream[A, A] with InternalTryObserver[A]

Emits only values that are distinct from the last emitted value, according to isSame function

Emits only values that are distinct from the last emitted value, according to isSame function