
class AjaxStream(method: String, url: String, data: InputData, timeoutMs: Int, headers: Map[String, String], withCredentials: Boolean, responseType: String, isStatusCodeSuccess: Int => Boolean, requestObserver: Observer[XMLHttpRequest], progressObserver: Observer[(XMLHttpRequest, ProgressEvent)], readyStateChangeObserver: Observer[XMLHttpRequest]) extends WritableStream[XMLHttpRequest]

AjaxStream performs an HTTP request and emits an dom.XMLHttpRequest on success, or an AjaxStreamError error (AjaxStatusError | AjaxNetworkError | AjaxTimeout | AjaxAbort) on failure.

Acceptable HTTP response status codes are 2xx and 304, others result in AjaxStatusError.

The network request is only performed when the stream is started.

When stream is restarted, a new request is performed, and the subsequent response is emitted. The previous request is not aborted, but its response will be ignored.

Warning: dom.XmlHttpRequest is an ugly, imperative JS construct. We set event callbacks for onload, onerror, onabort, ontimeout, and if requested, also for onprogress and onreadystatechange. Make sure you don't override Airstream's listeners, or this stream will not work properly.

Value parameters:
  • called when progress is reported
  • called when readyState changes
  • called just before the request is sent
See also:

dom.XMLHttpRequest for a description of the parameters

trait WritableStream[XMLHttpRequest]
trait WritableObservable[XMLHttpRequest]
trait EventStream[XMLHttpRequest]
trait EventSource[XMLHttpRequest]
trait Observable[XMLHttpRequest]
trait BaseObservable[EventStream, XMLHttpRequest]
trait Named
trait Source[XMLHttpRequest]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

override def addObserver(observer: Observer[XMLHttpRequest])(implicit owner: Owner): Subscription

Subscribe an external observer to this observable

Subscribe an external observer to this observable

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[XMLHttpRequest, B]): EventStream[B]

Apply pf to event and emit the resulting value, or emit nothing if pf is not defined for that event.

Apply pf to event and emit the resulting value, or emit nothing if pf is not defined for that event.

Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def collectOpt[B](fn: XMLHttpRequest => Option[B]): EventStream[B]

Apply fn to parent stream event, and emit resulting x if it returns Some(x)

Apply fn to parent stream event, and emit resulting x if it returns Some(x)

Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def collectSome[B](implicit ev: XMLHttpRequest <:< Option[B]): EventStream[B]

Emit x if parent stream emits Some(x), nothing otherwise

Emit x if parent stream emits Some(x), nothing otherwise

Inherited from:
def compose[B](operator: EventStream[XMLHttpRequest] => EventStream[B]): EventStream[B]
Inherited from:
def debounce(ms: Int): EventStream[A]

See docs for DebounceStream

See docs for DebounceStream

Inherited from:
override def debugWith(debugger: Debugger[XMLHttpRequest]): EventStream[A]

See also debug convenience method in BaseObservable

See also debug convenience method in BaseObservable

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
protected def defaultDisplayName: String

This is the method that subclasses override to preserve the user's ability to set custom display names.

This is the method that subclasses override to preserve the user's ability to set custom display names.

Inherited from:
def delay(ms: Int): EventStream[A]
Value parameters:

milliseconds of delay

Inherited from:
def delaySync(after: EventStream[_]): EventStream[A]

Make a stream that emits this stream's values but waits for after stream to emit first in a given transaction. You can use this for Signals too with Signal.composeChanges (see docs for more details)

Make a stream that emits this stream's values but waits for after stream to emit first in a given transaction. You can use this for Signals too with Signal.composeChanges (see docs for more details)

Inherited from:
final def displayName: String
Inherited from:
def distinct: Self[A]

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by == (equals) comparison

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by == (equals) comparison

Inherited from:
def distinctBy(key: XMLHttpRequest => Any): Self[A]

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by matching key Note: key(event) might be evaluated more than once for each event

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by matching key Note: key(event) might be evaluated more than once for each event

Inherited from:
def distinctByFn(isSame: (XMLHttpRequest, XMLHttpRequest) => Boolean): Self[A]

Distinct events (but keep all errors) using a comparison function

Distinct events (but keep all errors) using a comparison function

Inherited from:
def distinctByRef(implicit ev: XMLHttpRequest <:< AnyRef): Self[A]

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by reference equality (eq)

Distinct events (but keep all errors) by reference equality (eq)

Inherited from:
def distinctErrors(isSame: (Throwable, Throwable) => Boolean): Self[A]

Distinct errors only (but keep all events) using a comparison function

Distinct errors only (but keep all events) using a comparison function

Inherited from:
override def distinctTry(isSame: (Try[XMLHttpRequest], Try[XMLHttpRequest]) => Boolean): EventStream[A]

Distinct all values (both events and errors) using a comparison function

Distinct all values (both events and errors) using a comparison function

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def drop(numEvents: Int, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Drop (skip) the first numEvents events from this stream. Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Drop (skip) the first numEvents events from this stream. Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Value parameters:

Reset the count if the stream stops

Inherited from:
def dropUntil(passes: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Drop (skip) events from this stream as long as they do NOT pass the test (as soon as they start passing, stop dropping) Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Drop (skip) events from this stream as long as they do NOT pass the test (as soon as they start passing, stop dropping) Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Value parameters:



Forget everything and start dropping again if the stream stops

Inherited from:
def dropWhile(passes: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Drop (skip) events from this stream as long as they pass the test (as soon as they stop passing, stop dropping) Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Drop (skip) events from this stream as long as they pass the test (as soon as they stop passing, stop dropping) Note: errors are NOT dropped.

Value parameters:



Forget everything and start dropping again if the stream stops

Inherited from:
final override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean

Airstream may internally use Scala library functions which use == or hashCode for equality, for example List.contains. Comparing observables by structural equality pretty much never makes sense, yet it's not that hard to run into that, all you need is to create a case class subclass, and the Scala compiler will generate a structural-equality equals and hashCode methods for you behind the scenes.

Airstream may internally use Scala library functions which use == or hashCode for equality, for example List.contains. Comparing observables by structural equality pretty much never makes sense, yet it's not that hard to run into that, all you need is to create a case class subclass, and the Scala compiler will generate a structural-equality equals and hashCode methods for you behind the scenes.

To prevent that, we make equals and hashCode methods final, using the default implementation (which is reference equality).

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def filter(passes: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean): EventStream[A]
Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def filterNot(predicate: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean): EventStream[A]
Inherited from:
def filterWith[B](source: SignalSource[B], passes: B => Boolean): EventStream[A]

stream.filterWith(otherSignal, passes = _ == false) is essentially like stream.filter(_ => otherSignal.now() == false) (but it compiles)

stream.filterWith(otherSignal, passes = _ == false) is essentially like stream.filter(_ => otherSignal.now() == false) (but it compiles)

Inherited from:
def flatMap[B, Inner[_], Output <: (Observable)](compose: XMLHttpRequest => Inner[B])(implicit strategy: FlattenStrategy[EventStream, Inner, Output]): Output[B]
Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def foreach(onNext: XMLHttpRequest => Unit)(implicit owner: Owner): Subscription

Create an external observer from a function and subscribe it to this observable.

Create an external observer from a function and subscribe it to this observable.

Note: since you won't have a reference to the observer, you will need to call Subscription.kill() to unsubscribe

Inherited from:
final override def hashCode(): Int

Force reference equality checks. See comment for equals.

Force reference equality checks. See comment for equals.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def map[B](project: XMLHttpRequest => B): EventStream[B]
Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def mapTo[B](value: => B): Self[B]

value is passed by name, so it will be evaluated whenever the Observable fires. Use it to sample mutable values (e.g. myInput.ref.value in Laminar).

value is passed by name, so it will be evaluated whenever the Observable fires. Use it to sample mutable values (e.g. myInput.ref.value in Laminar).

See also: mapToStrict

Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def mapToStrict[B](value: B): Self[B]

value is evaluated strictly, only once, when this method is called.

value is evaluated strictly, only once, when this method is called.

See also: mapTo

Inherited from:
def mapToUnit: Self[Unit]
Inherited from:
def matchStreamOrSignal[B](ifStream: EventStream[XMLHttpRequest] => B, ifSignal: Signal[XMLHttpRequest] => B): B
Inherited from:
def mergeWith[B >: XMLHttpRequest](streams: EventStream[B]*): EventStream[B]

Returns a stream that emits events from this stream AND all off the streams, interleaved. Note: For other types of combination, see combineWith, withCurrentValueOf, sample etc.

Returns a stream that emits events from this stream AND all off the streams, interleaved. Note: For other types of combination, see combineWith, withCurrentValueOf, sample etc.

Inherited from:
override protected def numAllObservers: Int

Total number of internal and external observers

Total number of internal and external observers

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def recover[B >: XMLHttpRequest](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Option[B]]): EventStream[B]

See docs for MapStream

See docs for MapStream

Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def recoverIgnoreErrors: Self[A]
Inherited from:
override def recoverToTry: EventStream[Try[A]]

Convert this to an observable that emits Failure(err) instead of erroring

Convert this to an observable that emits Failure(err) instead of erroring

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def scanLeft[B](initial: B)(fn: (B, XMLHttpRequest) => B): Signal[B]

A signal that emits the accumulated value every time that the parent stream emits.

A signal that emits the accumulated value every time that the parent stream emits.

Value parameters:

Note: guarded against exceptions

Inherited from:
def scanLeftRecover[B](initial: Try[B])(fn: (Try[B], Try[XMLHttpRequest]) => Try[B]): Signal[B]

A signal that emits the accumulated value every time that the parent stream emits.

A signal that emits the accumulated value every time that the parent stream emits.

Value parameters:

Note: Must not throw!

Inherited from:
def setDisplayName(name: String): Named.this.type

Set the display name for this instance (observable or observer).

Set the display name for this instance (observable or observer).

  • This method modifies the instance and returns this. It does not create a new instance.
  • New name you set will override the previous name, if any. This might change in the future. For the sake of sanity, don't call this more than once for the same instance.
  • If display name is set, toString will output it instead of the standard type@hashcode string
Inherited from:
def startWith[B >: XMLHttpRequest](initial: => B, cacheInitialValue: Boolean): Signal[B]
Value parameters:

if false, signal's initial value will be re-evaluated on every restart (so long as the parent stream does not emit any values)

Inherited from:
def startWithNone: Signal[Option[A]]
Inherited from:
def startWithTry[B >: XMLHttpRequest](initial: => Try[B], cacheInitialValue: Boolean): Signal[B]
Value parameters:

if false, signal's initial value will be re-evaluated on every restart (so long as the parent stream does not emit any values)

Inherited from:
def take(numEvents: Int, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Take the first numEvents events from this stream, ignore the rest. Note: As long as events are being taken, ALL errors are also taken

Take the first numEvents events from this stream, ignore the rest. Note: As long as events are being taken, ALL errors are also taken

Value parameters:

Reset the count if the stream stops

Inherited from:
def takeUntil(passes: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Imitate parent stream as long as events to NOT pass the test; stop emitting after that.

Imitate parent stream as long as events to NOT pass the test; stop emitting after that.

Value parameters:



Forget everything and start dropping again if the stream stops

Inherited from:
def takeWhile(passes: XMLHttpRequest => Boolean, resetOnStop: Boolean): EventStream[A]

Imitate parent stream as long as events pass the test; stop emitting after that.

Imitate parent stream as long as events pass the test; stop emitting after that.

Value parameters:



Forget everything and start dropping again if the stream stops

Inherited from:
def throttle(ms: Int, leading: Boolean): EventStream[A]

See docs for ThrottleStream

See docs for ThrottleStream

Inherited from:
def throwFailure[B](implicit ev: XMLHttpRequest <:< Try[B]): Self[B]

Unwrap Try to "undo" recoverToTry – Encode Failure(err) as observable errors, and Success(v) as events

Unwrap Try to "undo" recoverToTry – Encode Failure(err) as observable errors, and Success(v) as events

Inherited from:
override def toObservable: EventStream[A]
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def toSignal[B >: XMLHttpRequest](initial: => B, cacheInitialValue: Boolean): Signal[B]
Value parameters:

if false, signal's initial value will be re-evaluated on every restart (so long as the parent stream does not emit any values)

Inherited from:
def toSignalIfStream[B >: XMLHttpRequest](ifStream: EventStream[XMLHttpRequest] => Signal[B]): Signal[B]
Inherited from:
def toSignalWithTry[B >: XMLHttpRequest](initial: => Try[B], cacheInitialValue: Boolean): Signal[B]
Value parameters:

if false, signal's initial value will be re-evaluated on every restart (so long as the parent stream does not emit any values)

Inherited from:
def toStreamIfSignal[B >: XMLHttpRequest](ifSignal: Signal[XMLHttpRequest] => EventStream[B]): EventStream[B]
Inherited from:
final override def toString: String

Override defaultDisplayName instead of this, if you need to.

Override defaultDisplayName instead of this, if you need to.

Definition Classes
Named -> Any
Inherited from:
def toWeakSignal: Signal[Option[A]]

Convert this observable to a signal of Option[A]. If it is a stream, set initial value to None.

Convert this observable to a signal of Option[A]. If it is a stream, set initial value to None.

Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited methods

def foldLeft[B](initial: B)(fn: (B, XMLHttpRequest) => B): Signal[B]
Inherited from:
def foldLeftRecover[B](initial: Try[B])(fn: (Try[B], Try[XMLHttpRequest]) => Try[B]): Signal[B]
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

lazy val completeEvents: EventStream[XMLHttpRequest]

This stream will emit at most one event per request regardless of the outcome.

This stream will emit at most one event per request regardless of the outcome.

You need to introspect the result to determine whether the request succeeded, failed, timed out, or was aborted.

Inherited fields

protected val externalObservers: ObserverList[Observer[XMLHttpRequest]]

Note: Observer can be added more than once to an Observable. If so, it will observe each event as many times as it was added.

Note: Observer can be added more than once to an Observable. If so, it will observe each event as many times as it was added.

Inherited from:
protected val internalObservers: ObserverList[InternalObserver[XMLHttpRequest]]

Note: This is enforced to be a Set outside of the type system #performance

Note: This is enforced to be a Set outside of the type system #performance

Inherited from: