
object boxSizing extends Style[String]

The box-sizing CSS property is used to alter the default CSS box model used to calculate widths and heights of elements. It is possible to use this property to emulate the behavior of browsers that do not correctly support the CSS box model specification.


class Style[String]
class Key
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete fields

lazy val borderBox: StyleSetter

The width and height properties include the padding and border, but not the margin. This is the box model used by Internet Explorer when the document is in Quirks mode.

The width and height properties include the padding and border, but not the margin. This is the box model used by Internet Explorer when the document is in Quirks mode.


lazy val contentBox: StyleSetter

This is the default style as specified by the CSS standard. The width and height properties are measured including only the content, but not the border, margin, or padding.

This is the default style as specified by the CSS standard. The width and height properties are measured including only the content, but not the border, margin, or padding.


Inherited fields

override val name: String
Inherited from: