
abstract class Key

This class represents a Key typically found on the left hand side of the key-value pair key := value

Example would be a particular Attribute or a Property (without the corresponding value), e.g. "href"

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class EventProp[Ev]
class HtmlAttr[V]
class Prop[V, DomV]
class Style[V]
class AutoStyle[V]
object clip.type
class NoneOpenStyle[V]
object columnRuleStyle.type
class Overflow
object overflow.type
class PageBreak
trait TextAlign
object alignContent.type
object alignItems.type
object alignSelf.type
object backgroundClip.type
object backgroundOrigin.type
object backgroundSize.type
object borderCollapse.type
object borderSpacing.type
object boxSizing.type
object captionSide.type
object clear.type
object color.type
object cursor.type
object direction.type
object display.type
object emptyCells.type
object flexDirection.type
object flexWrap.type
object float.type
object fontSize.type
object fontStyle.type
object fontWeight.type
object justifyContent.type
object listStyleImage.type
object listStylePosition.type
object listStyleType.type
object margin.type
object mask.type
object outlineColor.type
object outlineWidth.type
object pointerEvents.type
object position.type
object quotes.type
object tableLayout.type
object textDecoration.type
object textOverflow.type
object textTransform.type
object verticalAlign.type
object visibility.type
object whiteSpace.type
object backfaceVisibility.type
object columnFill.type
object columnRuleWidth.type
object columnSpan.type
object columns.type
object transformStyle.type
object unicodeBidi.type
object wordBreak.type
class SvgAttr[V]

Value members

Abstract fields

val name: String