
Type members


trait Binder[-El <: Base] extends Modifier[El]

Binder is a Modifier that creates a subscription when invoked.

Binder is a Modifier that creates a subscription when invoked.

  • Note, this Modifier is NOT idempotent: Calling it N times will create and bind N subscriptions
  • onMountBind can take care of this, see the docs
object Binder
class EventListener[Ev <: Event, Out](val eventProcessor: EventProcessor[Ev, Out], val callback: Out => Unit) extends Binder[Base]
object FocusBinder
class Inserter[-El <: Base](initialContext: Option[InsertContext[El]], insertFn: (InsertContext[El], Owner) => Subscription) extends Modifier[El]

Inserter is a modifier that lets you insert child node(s) on mount. When used with onMountInsert, it "immediately" reserves an insertion spot and then on every mount it inserts the node(s) into the same spot.

Inserter is a modifier that lets you insert child node(s) on mount. When used with onMountInsert, it "immediately" reserves an insertion spot and then on every mount it inserts the node(s) into the same spot.

Note: As a Modifier this is not idemponent, but overall it behaves as you would expect. See docs for more details.

Note: If you DO provide initialContext, its parentNode MUST always be the same element that you apply this Modifier to.

class KeySetter[K <: Key, V, El <: Base](val key: K, val value: V, val action: (El, K, V) => Unit) extends Setter[El]

This class represents a modifier that sets a Key (e.g. an attribute or a style) to a specific value on a El. action is what performs this change.

This class represents a modifier that sets a Key (e.g. an attribute or a style) to a specific value on a El. action is what performs this change.

class KeyUpdater[-El <: Base, +K <: Key, V](val key: K, `$value`: Observable[V], val update: (El, V) => Unit) extends Binder[El]

A modifier that updates a key from a source, e.g. value <-- valueStream

A modifier that updates a key from a source, e.g. value <-- valueStream

object KeyUpdater
trait Setter[-El <: Base] extends Modifier[El]

This type represents a modifier that sets a "property" of an element.

This type represents a modifier that sets a "property" of an element.

It could be an html attribute, an event prop, or even a custom focus prop, the main constraint is that it should be idempotent, so that applying it several times in a row would produce the same effect as applying it once.

That way we can provide it to onMountSet { c => setter } and expect things to work if the element is mounted several times.

object Setter